Chapter 19: The Correspondence

Leonardo Ricci's POV

I was huffing when I opened the door and I saw that Tyler and Eddy have made it back before me. I saw that Tyler was drunk and he was sleeping on his bed. Eddy was looking out the window as he was scowling at something.

Honestly, I never understand these guys. Especially Eddy, he's a mystery.

When I entered the room, Eddy turned to look at me as I was taking my tie off from my collar and shrugged the suit.

"Well, someone in a foul mood," Eddy said as he was looking at me.

"I was not the only one," I said as I can sense he tensed up at my statement before I went to take my towel and went to the bathroom. I need a cold shower to remove my image of Kate in her half-naked state and her pleasure was building under my body.

Damn it!

I opened the faucet and I let the cold water hit me. I was breathing hard as I was trying to get that image of me in her bedroom just now.

Her maroon eyes.

Her adoring smile.

Her pleasure under my hands.