Ah! My Shabby Temple...

While in its depressed state, the sad little god was contemplating with what to do. With all the powerful beings fighting around, how will it remain safe?

"Should I find another cave?", contemplated the cowardly god.

"No... there's no guarantee that it won't collapse like the last one..."

"Should I just bury a hole and wait it out?"

Little did the naive little god know that no place was safe. To the surface was the main battle ground of the minions of the gods of both sides. It was one weak sauce god, even the mortals can probably kill it.

To the sea there are ferocious sea creatures and water based god fighting for dominance. While it can take on form of fish it had a cowardly personality and feared the dark vast world of the waters and preferred to stay on land.

The sky was were most of the powerful deities fighting is done at to minimize the damage to the world. Not to mention underground there are bound to be earth elemental based gods as well and they are the main cause of the frequent earthquakes.

While thinking of what to do it slowly slid out of the rubble and stated to head towards the only place it knew off. It had nothing else that it could do, what done was done. It headed back home, to its little shabby temple.

With its depressing mood and the current emotional state the sad little god wanted nothing more than to sleep the pain away.

With a sigh, the oddly familiar form of the nameless god shape shifted once again. This time it changed into a dog that looked quite hideous. It changed into an unknown breed that had huge eyes with an ugly snout and folds of fat to boot on its face. Not to mention its head was oddly too small for its body and it had shot stubby legs and a ball like torso. The ugly mutt god had zero views on beauty standards and remained ignorant of how ugly it was as it scampered back to its forest.

To its, dismay it seems while it was away, its shabby little temple was destroyed...

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! My home!", barked the mutt god.

"Why god! Whyyyyyyyy!", howled the nameless god, forgetting that it itself was a god in the first place, so it might as well be screaming at itself.

In the eyes of others, they would partly just hear an ugly dog barking unpleasently. All they would probably hear are "yip, yips". Not an overbearing bark of a true ferocious dog, but one that sounded like an annoying chihuahua .

The mutt god was mourning its shabby temple, it completely forgot about the sad state it was in and completely forgot about the sculptor family incident...

While the chihuahua barking god was busy yip and yapping away, an imposing aura stated to press down on the little god.

"Arouuuuuuu?!!?!", exclaimed the hideous dog god with a dumbfounded expression.

"Will you stop whimpering you little mutt!", a voice said so overbearing the trees rustled.

The chihuahua little mutt god was scared sh#tless! It then proceeded to piss on it self.

The one with the overbearing voice,"......"

The pee pee wetting god cried with tears in its bulging eyes, "Wwuuuuuuu, wuuuuuu....."