It's a Phoenix!?!?!?

"Mistress Isis, do preserve your strength!"pleaded Thoth.

It's been months since Isis had adopted the lucky little duck and she was in a panicked state.

Currently they were in war with enemy pantheons and Set their mortal enemy was stirring up trouble. All the realms got along well enough, but things were escalating by the day.

Isis had her mother halo on and was busily pouring her authority with all her might to heal the little bird. However it remained in its state of coma, it really stayed true to its title as a god of sleep, the lazy little thing sure is lazy!

The little duck: I was hurled into space and went insane due to isolation!!!! Also you changed my title again you crappy author!

Isis started to worry and was beginning to wear down, the healing of the little duck took a toll on the faith she obtained from worship.

"Yes mother, please look after your health!", exclaims Horus. Who knew when some invading realm would attack and they needed her abilities to heal the injured when needed.

"Perhaps it is not injured, but rather lacking in faith.", Thoth offers.

"Are you sure? The little thing isn't waking up at all!", the worried Isis says.

"Perhaps it will finally awaken with some believers.", Thoth suggested.

"Yes, yes, that's it!", Isis frantically said and was willing to try anything to save her precious little baby.

Horus and Thoth begin to fantically issue orders to mortals and issues for a mid size Pyramid as well as a little shine to be built. The Pharaoh was completely confused, but did as he was told.

The Pharaoh was still recovering from almost dissipating into mist and was confused when his almighty god suddenly told him that they need to worship a new god. All other projects were to be put on hold and the little ducks shirin was to be built. With it being priority number one the little temple was built relatively fast.

The next plan was the hard part. For the little chick to receive faith it first must be integrated with their mythology and pantheon. It had to be accepted by the people and be recognized to ensure its survival.

Just what was the little chicks authority? It was a bird, but there were already a lot bird related gods. The hawk was taken by horus, Thoth took the Ibis bird, and Nekhbet was the goddess of vultures. Not to mention that the species the little god took on was unknown to their world.

They were in the middle of war so they could not lend their source of faith to it and if they tried to associate it with something a god already had authority over, it would offend them. They started to ponder over this, but as if on cue the little bird's body started to burst up in flames.

At this time it seems that Isis's healing hadn't been in vain and was slowly nourishing the little god to finally activate its ability.

"Ahhhh!", Isis shreks in surprise, but refuses to let go of her little baby. She even clutches it harder even risk burning herself.

"Huh? I-it's not hot!", exclaims Isis as she notices that she didn't feel any pain or heat. She then hasistly gestured to calm the surprised Horus and Thoth

"Hmmm it seems to be healing its origin, how odd…."

"Huh? Doesn't this seem very similar to the phoenix rebirth! "

"Indeed! This little thing is actually a phoenix?!?!"

"Aren't phoenixes supposed to be graceful Bennu birds? It doesn't look like the ones near Ra or the form when he takes the form of one at all." (they are crane like birds. look it up apparently that how phonexis looked like according to some egyptians and was associated with Ra and the worship of the sun as well)

Ra takes on the form of several powerful animals of the desserts but the brid form he takes on is one of the more recognized one. Usually Ra takes on a form of a hawk but one time he decided to take on the form of the Bennu bird at some point and when he displayed his powers and he was mistaken as a fiery bird as he was the god of the sun. So when and then some believers saw the bird combust in flames as the sun rises they started to believe that phoenixes looked like that and so the story spread and solidified.

Ra was quite amused as he found out and on a whim he decided to bestow some bennu birds with his authority and gift them abilities of the famed bird across all the realms. There were no native species of phoenix in his realm and he had long heard of their beautiful forms so Ra simply kidnapped a phoenix and stole its authority and replicated it and that was how the egyptian phoenix came to be.

"That only for our realm, phoenixes are a universal divine beast in all the realms. It doesn't seem to be from any mythologies that I know of. In the Greek mythologies they are fierce hawks, to the east in the Asian mythologies they usually take on the form similar to a peacock.", Thoth dropped some divine insight, as expected of a god of knowledge.

"Some renegade must have knocked up some random bird. Usually their offspring won't be pure blooded and would only be somewhat talented in fire magics but usually never retain the ability of rebirth, but it seems this little mutt is quite blessed"

If only they knew, only they knew….. RIP the 2 pitifully phoenix from chapter 16….

"I don't care where it came from,I just want it to be safe!", cries Isis.

Thoth choughed awkwardly as he got carried away and started a lecture out of habit. As expected of the god of knowledge.

"Let's do it like this…",Thoth starts to assemble a plan and shares it with Horus and Isis.

"That might just work!"

"Since that's the case we may have some hope yet!"

"Alright I'll give out the orders!", finally presented with a plausible solution, to calm his mother down Horus set the plan into motion.

With a thought he had already projected his orders to his champion, the stiffeld pharaoh.