Eh? Mom?

As days passed by the faith slowly accumulated and it seeped into the knockoff phoenix. Isis watched with hope as the little knockoff regained its flickering form. It was slowly regaining its strength and the flames of the rebirth flickered continuously.

One fateful day the little phoenix slowly opened its eyes. It was carefully held by Isis who fell asleep while still holding her precious little baby. She was currently resting in the divine realm

"Chirp?", chirped the little knockoff.

It looked around in confusion only to feel relaxed in the beautiful hands of a goddess! Isis herself has been nurturing the little knockoff for ages and her efforts have not been in vain!

"My little phoenix!", awakened by its chirp she was delighted to find that it was

"Chirp?!?!?!?", Who the hell was this!?!??

Wile isis was busy sobbing and muttering things in joy the little knockoff started to gather its memories.

Uhhhhh it was flung into space? Then it went insane?

The knockoff started to shiver at the thought of that never ending hell. After being so isolated it was found to be in the arms of a goddess,Just what happened while it was out? It was still trying to piece its memories together. Aside from that horrible chapter that it will permanently put a mental block on, it found that aside from that it didn't really remember much.

After being tormented all those days it was floating in space it felt great warmth form the hands of the goddess, just like ascending into heaven after spending an eternity in hell. Seeing how much the goddess was fawning over it it felt a gush of warmth in its heart. It did not know what situation it was in but it quickly made a decision.

"Tweet?", the knockoff went into full actor mode and dished out the puppy eyes. It even went as far as to gently rub its head lovingly on the goddess's hand. The kissass god flapped its little wings and made cute little gestures. So much for the dignity of a god.

Isis was instantly overjoyed and her motherly instincts went into overdrive, she ate up its little act. She caressed the little knockoff gently and felt its little body hopping all over in curiosity

"My beautiful, beautiful, little sun!", Isis already gave it a name.

"Tweet! Tweet!", the shameless duck already accepted it.

"Horus! Horus meet your little brother!"

"Mother?", soon a man with a bird head arrives in the room.

Unlike the kind demeanor Isis had, Horus had an oppressive aura. Immediately, the little chick shivered.

"Holy crap! Im dying!", the little thing immediately fainted with foam in its mouth.

"Ah! you're scaring little sun!", hushed isis.

"Sigh", in front of a mother he will always be a child. It actually felt a twinge of envy as it felt that the love his mother had was going to be monopolized by his new little brother. He laughed at his childish thoughts and took a look at his little brother.

He looked at his little brother and his eye was already twitching. His moonlight eye especially.

"He sure is weak", thought Horus.

"This calls for intense training...", As a proud god of his pantheon he can't allow anybody to disgrace their reputation.

Horus was already making planes to strengthen his little brother, the weakling god has no idea what's in store for it....
