Im a Healer Too!

The poison seemed to spread like a large green birthmark and the sphinx felt increasingly dismayed. In the state he was in he couldn't even bring out half of its strength! They made a fatal mistake and it cost them dearly. The little guy was already taken out and wasn't experienced enough to take on these foes. Even the sphinx would have had a tough time, so it didn't blame his little friend.

The nine tailed fox and Loki were glad that the whole fiasco was over with relative ease. The dagger he stabbed them with was not an ordinary weapon. It was forged from a fang from one of its monstrous children. Jörmungandr, the world serpent! Whose poisonous breath is said to be able to kill even gods! The dagger was laced with its deadly poison.

Loki no longer used his illusions and the fox casually walked over. The sphinx made peace with its fate... and was ready to beg for it's life...

Screw the job, he didn't want to die! The fox bared her claws and was prepared to end the guardian. Just as the sphinx was about to plea for its life, in their arrogance they failed to remember the dead little chick on the sphinx back. Hidden within the mane of the sphinx the little parrot's body was currently burning away into grey ash.

If Loki saw this it would immediately know that something was up. The poison laced on his dagger would not have had that effect on the bodies of its victims. The dagger that was lodged in the bird mysteriously disappeared and as for the poison, who knows....(im just going to spoil, but this poison will definitely come into play...)

Finally turning into a pile of grey ash, the iconic skill of the legendary phoenix activated!!!!


"Im back~!", screeched the parrot.

Like a majestic crane it will stretch its elegant form and rise for the ashes.... is not what happened. It seems our little mutt was not as tainted as we thought. Its bones and flesh started to form, and everyone stared at it in astonishment.

"Of course I am!", said the parrot confidently, but on the inside it was sweating bullets.

Thoth, Isis and Horus didn't dare try to see if its ability worked or not so they could only speculate. It was the first time it had ever achieved rebirth. This rare skill is extremely exclusive, who knew it had such an ability?!

"Its probably due to the upgrades I got from lord Ra", thought the grateful parrot.

Little to the parrots knowledge it seemed that its form had changed once again. No longer a cute parrot, it started to take on more a form of a hawk and trace pigments of purple at the edges of its feathers. It even have a astonishing 2 pair of wings! It oddly looked similar to the characteristics of a pair of 2 poor phoenixes...

The poor phoenixes from chaper 12: ....

It was reborn, but it was its first time so it had a few patches of feathers that didn't grow, especially on its head... and not to mention before it fully underwent the full rebirth, it was mostly naked like a freshly plucked turkey. (In chapter 11)

The little baldy: "Not this again!!!!"

"Little bird, you revived! It turns out you're a phoenix after all.", said the sphinx surprised. He is the precious little baby of Isis and beloved sibling of Horus, so it must had a special identity.

Loki gasped, "what?!"

How was it not dead?! That dagger wasn't just any dagger, it was made from a fang from one of its monstrous children.

"Did use the wrong dagger or something??!", the nine tailed fox questioned Loki. She had been working along side with him for many years, so she knew exactly just how deadly the poison was.

"Of course not, that little phoenix, must have extraordinary powers..."

"That's a phoenix!?!?! I thought Bastet ate them to extinction centuries ago! Did we get the wrong intel?"

"No, the phoenixes of this realm were in the form of a crane like bird, but it seem its a outsider they accepted or Ra must had made a terrible mistake when creating it...", speculated Loki.

The terrible mistake: Hey!

"It seems like quite the variant, it has two pairs of wings and the discoloration of its feathers is apparent."

The parrot was still in the middle of the undergoing the rebirth, while the sphinx was happy his little friend was alive, they were still in a sticky situation. Should he just tell the his little friend to surrender along with him...?

"Ah! You're, poisoned!", said the chick noticing the green mark on the sphinx. Due to its training it first tried to access the situation. While the enemy was being shocked, it noticed the alarming decay of the sphinx hind.

Quickly, it searched its spacial treasure and looked for a bottle of its tears. Due to it being personally crafted by power gods like Horus and Isis, the golden necklace adorned with the eye of Horus was quite durable. It survived through the flames of it's rebirth and It had collected quite a bit of tears due to its brutal training seasons.

Horus: My training wasn't useless after all!

The little baldy: Tell that to my collection of tears!!!!

"Cover me and don't move!", shouts the phoenix.

"Uhhh, sure!....Got it. Whatever you want to do, do it fast!!!", obeyed the sphinx. It didn't know what the little guy had in mind but it couldn't move due to the poison anyway, so it immediate launched its most powerful breath. A large stream of flames many times fiercer then usually engulfed the fox and Loki.

"This again, tsk!", said Loki irritated.

He cast a ice spell to cancel out the flames. This time the flames were an all out attack from the sphinx so Loki was forced to expend much more force.

"I did as I was told, but this won't stall them long!", said the sphinx worriedly.

"Found it!", pulling out a glass like tube it hopped over to the sphinx's wound and poured droplets of its tears.

"That should take care of the wounds, but the poison...", thought the parrot.

It saw a dagger still plunged into the hind of the sphinx,"A knife made out of a organic material?", it wondered as it saw that it was not made out of metal.

Using its beak, it plucked the the blade out and examined it closer.

"What is this made out of?", the parrot asked the Thoth system.

"A high tier snake monster, warning extremely deadly!", said the system.

"Score!", said the parrot, it carefully examined the dagger. It then promptly stored it into its spacial treasure. The greedy pig wouldn't miss out on getting such a treasure.

Obtained dagger laced with deadly poison!

Loki: My dagger...

"Come to think of it were is the other dagger that was stabbed into me?", thought the parrot, but it had no time to linger on such thoughts, and rushed to treat the sphinx.

It quickly took out other bottles with colorful liquids and medical herbs that it used in the lessons with mama Isis. Due to it not having any feathers it was forced to telepathically control the items by burning up some faith points. Due to how mush he loved her lessons, it was quite proficient in the way of medicine. It proved to be much efficient and it finally whipped up an antidote.

As a student of the goddess of healing, Isis, the parrot was able to put her teachings into use. Not only was it proficient in healing but with poisons as well, due to Isis passing on her profound knowledge of toxins. After all Isis did manage to poison, Ra himself, and forced him to edict the throne by force!

Isis: You don't have to bring that up all the time....

Ra: ....

It then shoved the antidote concoction into its wound and he poison started to breakdown.


"Eh? I can move again!", shouted the sphinx in a pleasant voice. Finally able to move his lower half better.

"This little guy sure has alot of surprises..."

By now the flames have finally run out, Loki and the nine tailed fox looked on at the perfectly healthy sphinx regain its mobility. What happened in just a span of a few second?!?!?

To be able to cure his poison and heal its wounds.... Just what magical treasures and immortal herds did it have!?!?!

The shitty bird: Bow before my riches!!!

"A undying healer, that can continuously buff its tank, huh.... this is going to be tough.", said Loki.

"They are the last bosses after all, they came prepared...", chimed the fox.

Ra: I didn't prepare this at all.....

Horus: I didn't even think it could fight.....

Thoth: We didn't even know its could be reborn....

Isis: You can do it Little Sun!!!

As would any supporting mother would say.