The Snake and Sun

"That's it! I'm a goner!", the mutt decided to accept its fate.


"Solution, the system will neutralize the foreign system by devouring it."

"You can do that!?!"

"Host please act accordingly...", the system implying for it to not break character.

It seems the system didn't trust the mutt to keep its poker face....

With the problem solved the mutt no longer resisted and lord Phenex started to inject something in it its mind. The mutt nervously acted what ever was injected into its mind and entered a state of meditation.

A storm started to appear in its mind as the mutt was comprehending something. Fames of hate, winds of fury, a sea so deep it would trap you in despair. The storm unholy disasters raged on filled with malice and sin, wanting to corrupt its mind! Just as it was about to be tainted with all the negative emotions and powers a bright and gentle sun appeared!

Its rays quelled the winds, evaporated the sea, and snuffed out the flames. All was well and seemed to be under control, when another figure emerged!

A hooded snake appeared and sucked up the evil energy that remained before the gentle sun could purify it! It then slithered back to a unknown dimension as if it was satisfied with a meal. The sun could only watch with a stunned look as it slipped away just as fast as it came.

"Please don't find out, please don't find out", while back to the real world the mutt was already sweating buckets. It could do nothing but trust the Thoth system to no be found out.

The marquis demon eventually retracted his claws and gathered his thoughts. After thinking for a bit, he spoke,"Hmmm you have some decent talent."

"I have done a evaluation on your innate ability. You are have moderate compatibility with the sin of sloth, greed, and pride."

"Eh? Im safe?", the system did its magic!

Sins? He mention it before...", the mutt wanted to ask, but decided to keep its heads down and patiently decided to ask questions later. It didn't want to stay a second more with the demon in fear of it being found out.

"Alright you can leave now.", the grand demon didn't seem interested with what it found, he turned his back with his flaming wings facing the mutt and flora, continuing to gaze at the "art".

The mutt and Flora quietly left the room and Flora exclaimed,"Oh my! 3 compatible sins!"

"Does that mean im a genius?", all 3 heads of the mutt had a smug look.

"Most demons who make it to the top only are compatible with one or two sins, more compatible sins doesn't mean it will guarantee you will be powerful in fact some might spread themselves too thin"

"Oh...", the mutt was disappointed.

"What sin are you compatible with Flora?", the mutt asked out of curiosity.

"...pride ", Flora blushed.

"Eh its not lust? What kind of succubus are you!?", the mutt wanted to scream out in surprise.

"Ohhh...", but the mutt decided to keep it to himself.

Flora lead them back to the reception area were 68 was waiting. His ears and tails perked up when he saw Flora but went back to normal when he saw the hound of hell walking beside her.

"How did you do!?", 68 jumps up excitingly.

"Heh, heh!", the mutt did a thumbs up with its paw.

"How did you feel when you fist saw lord Phenex?"

"I nearly shat myself!", the mutt admitted.

"Haha, I actually did-, er not! Hahaha!", the imp corrected himself.

"He's my role model! Im a flame demon you see!", the imp opened his palm and a small flame flared up. Not only that it seemed that it emitted a tiny dit of fierceness, despite how small it appeared.

"If only my fames will reach the same hight one day..."

"This flame seems a bit weird...", the mutt stared at the flame curiously. Just as it looked deeper a sense of dread and fear crept up at the mutt!

The mutt winced and nearly backed away. Seeing the reaction of the mutt the imp explained with a smile,"You noticed right? This is how us demons use the power of sin!"

"This feeling... its very aggressive. Can it be, your compatible with is...?"

"Thats right! It's wrath, one of the most offensive sins! Depending on your interoperation of the sin you can incorporate it into all kinds of powers.", 68 explained matter of factly. This shocked the mutt greatly!

"It is very similar to how gods and deities wielded their authorities and distort reality!", the mutt came to a sudden realization. Whoever created this power system is basically manufacturing knockoff gods!

"Luckily its a much smaller scale and the success rate isn't that high it seems or these beings in this ream would have overrun the other territories...", the mutt thought coming back to reality.

"What do you plan to do now?", asked 68.

"I do have some confidence to fight, but I don't want to just yet... what do you suggest Flora?"

"You are new to our realm why don't you learn how to use the power of sin? This way you can properly utilize your powers and get some training done, then you can take a job."

"Ok!", the mutt agreed.

"Are you going to teach me?"

"I'll do it!", 68 chimed in. It seems he didn't want Flora and the mutt to be alone.

"How desperate can you be...", thought the mutt.

Author: Are you sure you aren't compatible more with the sin of envy instead?

68: It's my second major!

Author: ...

"Alright I'll leave it up to you, I still have work to do.", Flora smiled.

"Oh...", the mutt wanted to spend some time with her, and his perky ears and tail drooped. He even started to look like he wanted to kick up some sand like a child.

She leaned close to the mutt and whispered, "The rule of equivalent exchange doesn't exist in hell much less mercy or kindness, but I hope you won't take advantage of 68, be sure to compensate him when you finish you first job, ok?", she winked. With that she left the mutt with 68.

"You like her?", the mutts 3 heads gave the imp a shifty look.

"Pishhhh no! Stop talking and lets get somewhere empty!", 68 denied in a fluster. His previous pressing demeanor erupted in embarrassment.His wing unfolded and he flew in a rush outside of the building, as if running away form the question. With a help less look the mutt trotted after him.