My Personal Game Studio

It was only a week ago that Nei had figured out that he had a special system. A system that made it possible for Nei to write-games.

It was when he came home after just another day of hard work, he was lying in his bed imagining about all the things that he could do, if he too was a main character with a system.

When Nei suddenly thought he had heard a weird sound coming from nowhere. Was it coming out of himself?

He could have sworn to have heard a voice that felt far away,"Oh man, I think I worked too much and became crazy.."

[The Game Studio founding System download, was successfully initiated! Loading ..2%...10%.....40%...90%.....100%!]

This time Nei heard the voice much clearer, it was the typical voice that you would imagine: an AI chip or System to have. Mechanical .

He became extremely excited by the sound, he always imagined how it would feel to hear the magical system speak in his mind. He just never expected it to come when he prepared to sleep, and close his eyes. Nei was even a little scared that all was just an illusion—a symptom of his exhaustion.

"It said Gaming Studio, right?...hahAHAHA. I will become the biggest game publisher and developer to have ever lived! Bow before me–Rockstar, Riot, Blizzard.. hehe.. why not call me grandfather too!" Muttering the last part creepily under his breath, he waited for what was to come next. But even after staring at the ceiling with open eyes, for minutes, there was nothing. He only heard his slowly accelerating heartbeat.

"..system?" With a quiet and unsure tone Nei asked. "Are you there? ..Don't joke with me.. I am not that crazy! I might be a little, but not to the level where I hear voices. My brain could never come up with something like this anyway, I am far to unimaginative!" He didn't want anything more than to hear the system's comforting words once again. He really didn't want to get send into a Psychiatric Institute by his family.

"System.. please start!" With a pleading face Nei looked up, onto the damp wallpaper.

[System has been successfully activated!] When the robotic voice finally appeared once again. Nei couldn't suppress his relive any longer, smiling he wiped his tears away.

"I almost thought.. I really lost it.. well played System, this point goes to you... asserting dominance right from the beginning, aren't we?" He couldn't show it but Nei was exhilarated. Even though he had a feeling that the system intentionally scared him, he was happy that he really had a system of his own and that he wasn't just hallucinating.

Knowing that he didn't have to live the rest of his life in a mental hospital. Nei could finally relax for a second.

He had a wide crooked grin on his face just thinking about his future. Although his life wasn't horrible in the least, it just wasn't exciting, as the ones of main characters he read about so often. Working as a foreign language teacher without any hopes of promotion, sitting mostly at home—reading and playing games. He was finally one of the lucky chosen ones; an exciting life was awaiting him, and it felt great.

Once again, he heard the voice of the system in his head, "Recommend host to check interface."

Nei became instantly excited when he heard this, what would await him in the interface; he was just to curious.

"System where is it? How do I open it?", The system was at a loss for words, how could it's host not even know the basic knowledge about operations. With so many novels out there that explain exactly this, there was no excuses not to know, especially for someone who read exactly these books everyday.

[Host is unable to open interface, Starting first mission!]

[Host mission: 'Interface'.

Description: Host has 1 minute to figure out how to open the interface.

Success (reward): A pat on the head.

Failure (punishment): System will search for a host that isn't retarded.]

"…" Nei was quiet shocked seeing the harsh punishment, he would receive if he failed the mission. He definitely didn't want to lose his dear system without even opening the stupid interface.

'And that reward.. can I refuse rewards?'

[No, please enjoy your rewards if you succeed!]

Cursing the System and it's hosts, that would still talk of him for generations to come if he didn't accomplish opening the interface. Nei started going through all his memories that had novels with systems inside of them.

"Start!".."Link start!"....."Most beautiful System open up!"

Nei felt the hair around his neck becoming stiff, looking at the counter that was already at only 10 seconds.

'Don't stress me like this System!.. Okay Okay, calm down.. Ah! 5 seconds! Just how do I ‹Open the Interface›?'

[Mission accomplished! Congratulations on absolving your first mission. Extra reward for the first mission: High tech laptop.]


Ignoring the illusionary pat on his head, he focused on the newly showing up interface in his mind.


Missions: 'Making preparations'(in progress/click for details), 'Interface'(click to finish & obtain extra reward)

Fame/influence: Unrecognizable

Inventory: empty

[—-not unlocked—-]

"Huh? It looks pretty empty.. well whatever, let's first get the extra reward."

Clicking on the 'Interface' quest symbol, the words behind the inventory category changed from empty to; 'High tech laptop'.

Opening the inventory, Nei saw a flat, black painted laptop icon in the right-downward corner of the inventory. Imagining taking it out with his hands, the laptop appeared right in his hands. It was made out of a high quality looking material, with no indication of any brand name.

"Well this is pretty cool, I have never seen such a light and thin laptop. Let's boot it and look what is on it."

Turning the laptop on, the first thing he saw, was a completely black background with a line of strings written in the middle of it, and a small white space(box) under it to enter a command.

'A Company name? I didn't think about this yet at all.. hmn.. it should stay simple, similar to Appa and Microna. However it should also not be too cryptic. How about my favorite color 'yellow'? ..Still too simple, but a good start. Let's change the language into Japanese.. 'kiro'. Yes! This is good. And lastly my favorite game 'Micado'.

Tapping excitedly on the keyboard with both his hands, the white space filled itself at an astonishing speed. "And enter."

<'Kiro Micado' selected>

"Now that I think about it, there is another meaning too, 'Yellow emperor' ." Grinning from ear to ear, it was easy to see that he was satisfied with such an intimidating name.

"This might really take some time..." Nei was still exhausted from work, and was almost asleep when he got the System. He was getting more tired with every passing second he was playing with the system. "I will finish the setup and go to sleep, I can do the rest tomorrow."

Starring back at the laptop, something on the screen had changed. The white writing space from before, split into 3 separate bars, to insert the company's main colors. Besides that was a button to upload the cooperation emblem.

Next Nei clicked on the upload button, but something different than expected happened. It didn't connect to any picture files, but directly to his brain. The moment the connection was established, instructions on how to make a company symbol streamed into his mind.

"I can just imagine whatever symbol I want?"

Closing his eyes he thought hard about what kind of symbol would fit his future company the best. In the end the best he came up with was 'a bowl of instant ramen'.

A white bowl of instant ramen standing on a brown wooden plate, with yellow noodles inside, in the middle of a dessert storm.

"Okay that's it! Enough for today.. my brain is thinking stupid again."
