Escapees form cliques

By evening, it stopped snowing.

As far as could be seen, there was snow everywhere in front of them. It felt like they had ventured out into another world.

A large field mouse crawled out of the ground and scurried through the snow, looking for food. It could smell the grains while it was still in its burrow. During winter, the animal's fur had grown much denser and made this field mouse look just like a furball.

However, before it could scurry far from its burrow, Ren Xiaosu, who was hiding in the snow behind it, suddenly pounced. Having been lying in the snow for a long time, the snow that fell on him had concealed the outline of his body and his breathing.

The plump field mouse was so shocked it instantly puffed up its fur. But it was too late for it to get back to its burrow.