The parent-teacher conference

This was Yan Liuyuan's first time hearing about something called a parent-teacher conference in the stronghold's school. He didn't know about it until the teacher informed him, but he wondered what it was for.

Jiang Wu told him it was just a meeting to summarize the students' progress at school and to explain some issues to the parents for them to take note of. There was nothing special to it. When Jiang Wu said that, Yan Liuyuan was relieved.

But he did not tell Ren Xiaosu because he was worried it would affect Ren Xiaosu on his expedition. Of course, there were also other reasons for not telling him.

This was also the first time Xiaoyu was attending a parent-teacher conference. She purposely went to a shop in the stronghold to get new clothes and even bought some new cosmetics and jewelry.

After Xiaoyu got dressed and walked out of her room, Yan Liuyuan's eyes lit up. "Big Sister Xiaoyu is so beautiful."