Gratitude tokens

"Wait!" Ren Xiaosu suddenly turned around as he was leaving.

Next to him, Yang Xiaojin was taken aback. "What's the matter? Are you wondering why no one is chasing after us?"

"No," Ren Xiaosu said, "it's only reasonable that they aren't chasing after us. P5092 has accepted full blame in order to secure the Pyro Company's future victory, so who would want their commander to go to jail over such an unfortunate matter? The entire Pyro Company knows that he's actually a hero and not a criminal."

"Then what's wrong?" Yang Xiaojin wondered.

"Gratitude!" Ren Xiaosu looked back at the Pyro Company's base in the distance and said firmly, "The 7th Division hasn't thanked me yet!"

Yang Xiaojin was speechless.

In Ren Xiaosu's opinion, he could forget about the other divisions' gratitude since he did not personally save them. Even if he were to ask them to thank him, it might not be sincere.