Gateway to a new world: Chinese incantation

This night was really full of twists and turns for Melgor.

When he could not fall asleep in the middle of the night, Ren Xiaosu had pulled him aside and asked him questions regarding sorcery. He even imparted some knowledge of the magus order to Ren Xiaosu and the servants.

Now that he was finally able to fall asleep, he was awoken by two exclamations of "fuck" as soon as he dozed off. How annoying!

As such, Melgor hurriedly got out of his tent to see what was going on. He even had his Eye of True Sight ready in hand to brace himself for a battle with an enemy!

But when he came out of his tent, he was surprised to see a large pit in the ground where the two sheeple had set up their tent. The two sheeple had fallen inside together with the tent.

The cavity was about four meters in diameter and three meters deep. When Melgor walked up to the edge, he saw the two sheeple looking up at him with their heads covered in dirt.