16 Garden of flowers

I intentionally got my cellphone before going straight to get some leafy green vegetables for the salad. l looked around and there was nobody in the neighborhood. I stretched my body as if reaching for the blue sky. What a beautiful morning, for sure this day would have a fine weather. With the fresh air this early and a happy feeling from within, I can't help but get some photos of myself. I instantly posted it online with a caption "A HAPPY HEART IN A VEGETABLE GARDEN". I admit, my smile in these photos were genuinely sweet, I thought to myself.

I grabbed some lemon, put it in my pajama pockets and went back inside the house to hand in to my mom the vegetables I got from our garden but she was not in the kitchen so i put them at the kitchen table. I plan of having a lemon juice later so I also put the handful of lemon in the fridge for a later use when suddenly, my mom screamed while laughing and saying "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD.... So beautiful..." With a ready cellphone camera for a video, I went out to capture what was happening that made my mom extremely joyful. Upon seeing her kneeling at our veranda, I myself said a loud "WOW".

I was mesmerized for a second seeing the different flowers intentionally and artistically scattered in the floor. Different varieties, colors and sizes. The scene was so lovely. I thought of my father surprising my mother but he should be here to witness how my mother's eyes literally glittered and facial expressions changed from shock surprise to happy smiles. I realized I was holding my cellphone with a video running. I was not sure if awhile ago I had captured my mother as the subject of the video so I focused myself on capturing what remained in the scene so I can show it later to my dad and my siblings. My father had overslept in this one in a million, momentous occurence? I was still wondering why my father is still asleep if he is the one who planned to surprise my mom until I saw my mom holding the box I sent for her yesterday....

How I wished I also had captured my reaction... it would surely be an instagramable moment.