42 No referee could see the flaws

Just like boxing in a ring, with Rona, i will fight my fight to be the sure winner with no stains of blood or traces of ever having bruises, my way is the kind where no great referee could see the flaws of my scheming. A sure knockout is coming.

Every bits and pieces were coming in naturally as if it fits in their own pieces on the puzzle.

International conference on business and marketing was bound to happen. Dad simply smiled as he handed to me the invitation. My eyes grew big as I read the content of the invitation. "Does this means I am coming Dad?" I excitedly blurted out. "Yes." Short but resounding I almost gone deaf with my own heartbeat.

"Connections, connections. I can not stay where I am or else, God should have made me with roots. Right dad?" He simply nodded and he added "you must start sitting with me to a board meeting tomorrow if you really want to go big and climb higher."

"Am I ready dad?" I was surprised that dad wanted me to sit with him on a board meeting where shareholders of the company will also be present. "You don't have to say anything. You just observe on how it is done, unless you really want to say something then you can, but I am not pressuring you to do so. You are young and full of new ideas, your presence is enough for now but this would be a good start for you to see the bigger picture of the entire business."