44 Meeting with the Board of Directors

I understand that board of directors has the responsibilities and powers to take major decision of the company. To facilitate the process of decision making, it is important that they meet regularly and so, this does not put me in a difficult situation as tomorrow's meeting is a scheduled one. Father said I will just be an observer, I don't need to partake in their discussion unless it's extremely important. So I settled with the thought that I will just occupy myself on notes taking and maybe, offer them coffee when in heated discussion over a matter. I am quite sure I will understand little of it as I am new in this endeavor.

I wouldn't deny that I was excited to meet our company's board of directors (BODs). In fact, I woke an hour early than my usual routine. Without delay, I went down and extended my arms as if reaching for the skies. I put on my running shoes and decided to do some jogging in the backyard garden.

Days are getting better and better as I emerge myself deeper into the business. Sweating out the mixed emotion of excitement and nervousness. This would surely be a fantastic and challenging day.

Later that day, I sat with the board of directors. Different ages but all looking smart and intelligent. I decided to bring the minutes of the meeting that I had with the CEOs including the brief description of each company. Just in case I will be out of place from the board's discussion, I will have something to browse. Just as I expected, they were smart and intelligent. Updates of the business were presented and they were asking so many questions that I found myself dizzy with so much information. I closed my eyes and slowly exhaled the air that was making my breath heavy. Just as I closed my eyes to relax, One of the board of directors asked me directly of the reason for my meeting with company CEOs.

I slowly stood and utter a silent prayer of thanks for making me bring necessary reports. At first, I couldn't hear my own voice out of nervousness. But when I saw my father's smile of approval, I gained confidence and carefully unfolded what transpired in the meeting. After a few minutes, I think I had the best 10-minute moment of my life when I saw the BODs giving me a standing ovation as soon as I said my last words "thank you" with my most confident smile. The sound of their hands clapping was deafening. Again, I looked at my father and saw him with the BODs clapping and beaming a prideful smile.