He kissed me....

Meanwhile, Mia was in cloud 9. After all that had happened, she was feeling elated. It was Friday night when every member of the family was present. Father made sure that the dinner was extra special to celebrate our success. Everyone was excited to hear our stories. Our mother was just there, smiling all through out. I think she even joined me giggling when father mentioned Owen. It was a terrific night. A happy family, a successful business, a new circle of friends, a full stomach, what more can I asked for?

After dinner, I went ahead to take a rest. It's a tiring but fulfilling Friday. I lie down on my bed and put the tv on, I scanned the channels and settled to a tv series that I lost track of episodes because of busy schedule. "Time to catch up," I said to myself as I comfortably lie down hugging a pink pillow. Just as I was to drowse, I saw a shadow moved at my window. I stared at it for a moment and decided that it was just the curtains. Though I felt my heart beating so fast but nevertheless, I convinced myself that it was nothing. I shifted my position a little bit so that I face the tv set in the most advantage angle when suddenly the door slowly opened and closed at its own. Then I saw the shadow again. I hurriedly sat up, now my sleepiness are all gone. All my senses are alert with my nervousness getting higher and my heart beating faster. Suddenly, a man hugged me from behind. I didn't saw it coming. His body was warm and his embrace was soothing. He kissed me tenderly on the back of my neck, my earlobes... it brought shivers to my bones. I closed my eyes and felt him moved slowly in front of me to kiss me tenderly. His lips were sweet, soft and smooth. His breathing is sensual. My eyes were still closed and decided to savor the moment, never thinking of who this intruder was. His hands moved to my waist to hug me tighter and bring me closer to him when suddenly, I heard a woman laughing. When I opened my eyes, I saw Rona standing at the side of my bed, hysterically laughing while watching what Richard was doing to me. "No, this can't be!" I gathered all my strength to push Richard away from me. I decided to use the martial arts I was trained of to kick Richard and push Rona to the ground before they can do harm to me. The move must be swift and quick and timing was crucial. One... two.... three..... Aggghhhhhh... In the process, I fell out of my bed and quickly stood but all I heard in my room was silence except for the tv showing a shampoo commercial.

Whew!!!!! What a nightmare. The couple is a pain even in my peaceful sleep.