He grabbed all the clothes, they were the most trending clothes. He go personally to buy something for her but it was all confusing, so he just told the shop manager to pack the most beautiful clothes for her.

He know Sera is someone who don't like expensive clothes so he tried to just pick some clothes at average price. He's tired to see her dress up all manly, if it wasn't because of him. He is sure that she would have gone in that party wearing an okay looking dress that her mother used to wear.

He took a look at all the clothes, he brought and complained, "Come on, they aren't even expensive"

Sera come out of the bathroom jumping like a frog, "Hmph! they are"

His mouth went wide open, she was wearing only a black oversized t-shirt. His mouth fell down for a moment "Hey that wasn't for you". Though he tried his best to not blush but still his ears still get red. It wasn't like he saw her like this for first time, but no matter how many times he sees her it will always like the first time for him.

"Huh? Then whose it is?" Sera said tilting his head,

'Uggh, why is she acting so cute?' That's what the only thing he could process at that time.

He didn't want to get his heart explode, so he just run outside of the room and closed the room and said loudly "Just keep it".

He walk towards the corridor, smiling like a madman. 'He can't even tell how much he missed her presence'

Nick was playing video game with Arwin, As always he was getting beat up badly by Arwin.

As he really don't want to get beat up in the last round also.

He suddenly saw Elios who was sighing alot and was covering his face with the some clothes. He got his excuse and through the controller away and hit on Arwin's head "Brat! You sucks"

"You sucks more dumbass" Arwin said while throwing that controller on his head

Nick stopped and glared at him, Arwin glared at him back.

Seeing that little brat glaring at him without even blinking make him feel really pissed, he just rub his head and walk towards Elios.

"Hey! Don't blush like that, you will scare somebody" Nick said while rubbing back of his head

"Shut up" Elios quickly returned to his usual self and glared at him

"Never mind! where is my t-shirt, I told you to give it back, that's my favorite" Nick said stretching his arms in air

"Oh that, forget about that I'll brought you another one" Elios said and walked away ignoring him.

"Hey!! What the hell do you mean?" Nick yelled at him but he didn't even turn back and walked inside his room.

It was already late at night, Sera was looking out of the window. Her eyes were focused on the moon, her face glowing in that moon light. It was all enhancing her beauty.

She said with a dim voice, "Good night, tomorrow isn't gonna easy"


"Daddy" Ran entered her father's room, she knocked twice but seeing no response. She just entered inside to check.

She saw her dad, looking outside the window. It was looking like he was talking to the moon.

His eyes were all focused and teary.

"Daddy?" She said again

Finally kyle came back to his senses, He look at her while wiping of his tears and said "Princess, what are you doing here?"

Ran smiled and look at him, She hugged him without saying anything.

Kyle just stand still their without any emotions,

"You were missing mom" Ran said with a soft tone

Kyle didn't say anything, he grab her shoulder and said, "Princess let's talk later, I am a little tired right now"

Ran was a bit hurt from his words, she wanted to talk to him. It's been really long, since she really spend time with him. She wanted hear about him and hear about mother. She wanted to know more about her.

But still she tried to smile as bright as she can hiding all her sorrow and said with a sweet voice "Okay, but don't wake for too long"

Then she just kiss him on cheek and walked outside the room.

Kyle sit down on the couch and rubbed his hand on his face. He laid down looking at fan, he said to himself 'How can he believe this, the child he raised till now, cherish till now. Thinking that she is the only memory he has left of Emily and his love, that child isn't even their.'

He closed his eyes, and clenched his hand into a fist.

Ran closed the door and walked towards her bed, her room was filled with alot of toys from her childhood, books and pictures. She pick up one of the frame from her bed side and look at it.

It was her favorite photo,She still remembers it was when she went to the mother's day event in the park without telling that to dad. She wanted to see what really happens their but she felt bad seeing that everyone was their with their mothers. She felt really hopeless and alone for first time.

There were mothers playing with their kids, and hugging them. They were happy, seeing that she felt like crying. So she just decided to leave but than she saw her dad standing infront of her looking at her.

He walk towards her, sitting down on his knees and taking her in his embrace, she still remember when she was crying like a baby in his embrace someone clicked it. He always been a best dad, he never let her feel empty.

She smiled and looked up at the fan, and said to herself "I know dad loves me and mumma, I'll ask about mumma next time".

She smiled, hugged her pillow and fall back to sleep.


Nick was sleeping safe and sound on his bed dreaming peacefully. When suddenly someone through a bucket of water on him.

He gets up in shock, looked here and there. When he saw Sera standing infront of him with a stick, he looked back at his alarm clock it was still 5 in the morning.

"10 minutes" She said with a demonic voice and left the room.

He kick his leg on bed like a kid, covered his ears the pillow and cried "Not again, Please"