I am Kira.



"Please, take a seat all of you. Let's start the meeting"

Sera was imitating such a powerful authorative aura that it was hard to believe that she was the same weak puppet Sera that they used to know. Aaron still can't believe that she's Kira and obviously, no one does a fragile girl like her. How can she be Kira, the underworld ruler and for all thing it is said that Kira is a devil with a angel like face," How -"

Before Aaron could say more, Jack nudged him with his elbow telling him to seat down quietely. Both Claire and Jack look at each other, they both knew very well that this deal was like a life-death situation for them and If Sera is Kira, then the everything is in her hand.

"Ian, Pass me the file"

"I hope Sera, You are mature enough to deal with personal and private separately" Claire interrupted while acting calm again, though the people infront her can read through her. She actually can't take the fact for real that Sera is Kira, and if she was Kira all along. She would have alreay know about what they have done to her and her family. And if she does, then she already have the power to destroy them without even lifting her fingers, then why was she still acting all helpless and dumb infront of them. Was she toying with them?

But on top of all thing, they need this deal at any cost no matter what.

Kevin intenionally faked coughed, and smirked after listening what Claire just said. While Ian and Kyro were just sitting smiling in amusement as if they were watching some kind of funny scene. But Kevin can understand, the person they know is Sera not Kira, Can't help but admit that even he had the same thoughts when he got to know about 'Sera', he actually felt like that his whole life was lie. Kira, that psychopath was someone like Sera who was once innocent and dumb in love and crazy just to protect and make her fake family happy that she even lost herself . They both are like totally opposite person, just like two separate side of coins.


And From Kyro's point of view, these guys were actually lucky that they are getting to know what beast Sera was hiding from them after this long. Or else she would have already cut them into pieces feed them to dogs without even thinking twice.

Sera just looked straight into Claire eyes as if she was mocking her without even using her mouth. And then just normally avert her gaze back to the contract.

Sera view the contract like a real lady boss and looked at people infront of her and sighed.

"Kyro, tell me all our previous investment in this company" Her words were simple but cold as ice.

Kyro smirked, how deadly he was waiting for this moment till now.

"Our, Corps first invested in Mackson corps starting from four years ago, when they were at point of getting of bankcrupt because of our invetment they were saved from crisis, they turned out well to earned a huge profit for their company"

"And after that, they start gaining alot reputation and create a good image in market. That other successing company's start taking interest into them, which took them to the different level"

Mackson Family smiled as they heard what Kyro just said. Jack sneered, he had invested everthing in his company sucess and if Sera is really Kira then no doubt she have to look in it like a business woman right now.

Sera knew very well if she wanted to reject this deal, then she easily can without even stating any reason and destroy both Mackson family's life and assets without even caring. But thats not how she really wanted to do things, she wanted to show them their place first, from where they belong.

"But.." Kyro looked at the faces of those idiots, as their proudful smiled just vanished away because of his one word but..

you don't deserve that.

"But, after our contribution in the Mackson corps. Soon a scandal appeared of Mr.Aaron Mackson of sexual harrassment, a A class model of 'Beauty ' filled the case against him. After that 'Beauty' agency, was going to take strict action against him but beause of having good connection with Rebel Corps, they let him go with a warning but still because of their business ethics they dissolved their connection with their firm. And after that their goodwill decreased with the max speed at the point at which no agency was going to let their model work with such a company"

"But still our firm helped them to get a deal with 'Runaway' Internatiomal model agency because of their quick deal their firm get back to their normal position and start gaining profit again." Kyro looked at their faces as he finished his sentence he had zero interest in their company and in that scandal as his one of old model daughter was included in that scandal who used to work with them in old days. He looked into their company details himself to take a strict action himself no one can mistreat a model wether she is from his own agency or not. He was the entertainment king after all how could he let it slide that easily, but when he found that Kira is backing them up from years only then he took a back and controlled his anger, just to know who these people actually are to her.

Aaron gulped, Indeed he remember that scandal, that was the worst scandal of his life. That little bitch was pissing him off at that time acting all high and goddess. That he just wanted to teach her a lesson but he caught into a scandal. And in no time, it become really big, he didn't knew that model was a daughter of an International model of Runaway agency.

"Still..." Kyro smiled

"Their company cope up with that incident in just few month"

Obviously they did, because Sera blocked all the news as soon as she get to know about the scandal. But he can't say that so he eat down his word and smiled creepily.

"Their company maintained well in this competitive market and attracted many big investors."

Jack cleared his throat, just because of that small scandal he knew Sera can't cancel this deal. They still have chance.

"I know, that you already know very well that but still Ms.Kira just because of such small scandal you can't neglect the fact that our company have did a huge growth just in few years and have good reputation" Claire intentionally said that pointiong out on her own scandal that our rising like wild wave nowadays. So overconfident.

Sera just looked at her with that same blank expression. Does she really think that their company survived all this year on their own?

So Cute.