Leo's daddy is here(1)

Kevin's car stopped in front of the child care center as he sighed looking at the kids coming out with their moms.

He sighed again, but he can't do anything. When he saw that text on Sera's phone. He thought if he can't help Sera at least he should reduce the burden.

He walked inside the care center as he looked around, the other mother's of the children and staff stare at him every now and then. He looks around in confusion, he didn't know what to do. But then someone approached him.

"May I help you?" That staff lady blushed as she asked him, for sure she didn't saw someone as handsome as him. His silver hair and handsome features will draw any women's attention towards him.

Only then he noticed other mother's stares at him, he won't want to look like a creep here to steal someone's child

"Ah! I am here for a kid, his name is Leo" he politely answered

That lady guided him towards the way, as she asked him out of curiosity.

"Are you his father?" That lady asked, she knew Leo well because he is a regular here. But they have always seen little Leo with her mother and they often thought she is a single mother but they never dared to ask or say anything.

"Ah...I.." Before he could say anything, he saw some small kids grouping,

"I...say..mm .. Leo..have daddy," Leo said as he puffed his cheeks with air to control his tears

Some kids a bit older then him teased him, "No, my mommy told me. That Leo doesn't have a daddy" a girl said rudely

"Haha! Yes, I heard from my mother too" Other kids said agreeing with her.

"N..oo.. Leo ..have a daddy" Leo said again childishly trying hard not to cry.

"Then tell us where is your daddy?" A kid among them said as he pushed Leo back making him fall,

Leo who was controlling back his tears all this while suddenly went crying, as he said "Leo...have... d..daddy"

Others kids laughed seeing him cry,

"Look..he's crying"

"Booo, Leo is such a momma boy"

"Weak Leo"

But then suddenly a pair of long hands come in front of them and picked Leo up, his eyes were shut as he sobbed.

The kids turned around as they saw a tall handsome man standing in front of them, Kevin hugged Leo in his embrace as he coldly stared at the kids "Leo's daddy is here"

Those kids back off seeing his cold stares, that staff lady suddenly come in front of them covering the kids. She apologized "I am sorry sir, they are still kids they don't know what they are saying"

Kevin looked at that staff lady, his attitude was nothing like that before he was cold as he could still hear the little Leo sobs. He coldly said "Then call the people who know"

Those kids were so afraid of him that they hide behind the staff lady almost in tears

"Sorry, sir?" She was confused, she knew those kids parents well they are from well off family.

"Call their parents. Right Now" Kevin coldly commanded and walked away

He left his number to the staff lady and warn her to call him once the kids parents are here.

He then walked towards his car, he looked at the little Leo. He could tell he was no longer crying but still he had buried his face in his chest.

"How long will you be like this?" His tone was nothing like that before it was even more soft and polite,

Leo finally turned his head out but still not ready to look at him,

Seeing his pouty chubby face, Kevin thought he was upset because of what happened before.

He asked him softly, "Are you upset?" he didn't want to let this child's mother think that he made this child cry. That will be the worst kind of misunderstanding.

Leo shook his head, Kevin frowned as he asked.

"Then, what happened?"

Leo said childishly "Leo.. cried"