Lost Path

Sera just sat down, she was feeling a bit nervous.

"Let me look at you... Oh gosh, you are really beautiful" Grandpa said as he stared at her face which he was longing to see.

Sera just nod.

"Come on, Let's eat first," he said with that same happy smile.

But seeing Sera just sitting like a statue he asked "What happened, dear?"

Sera looked at him as she asked "Sir,-"

But he cut her off, "Didn't I told you to call me Grandpa"

"Oh, God you are stubborn just like your mother" He sighed

But seeing her like this all reserved and somehow make his heartache "You have never met your grandpa?"

Tears started surfacing in her eyes, it was her first time saying Grandpa to someone. Her Paternal Grandparents, don't even know that she exists and her maternal grandparents were not even there for her mother, her mother lived her life like a orphan just with her grandparents.

Her mother and Sera's Grandma died when her mother was just three and her father, Sera's grandfather died in an accident when her mother was just nine and all her mother was left with was her grandpa and Sera's great- grandpa who was the only family left for her mother and he also died while her mother was engaged with her biological father.

Leaving her mother all alone in this cruel world. She always acted strong because she knew how strong her mother is.

That's why she never gets to see what it feels like to have grandparents.

Seeing her quite, make him even sadder,

"Your maternal Grandpa and I were best friends," Grandpa said with a slight smile, though he knew if his friend was still alive he will even deny that that he even know him. 'That Arrogant rude brat'

Sera raised her head as she looked at him, he smiled "So, you can call me Grandpa"

Sera's lips break into a smile as tears started flowing down her cheeks, as she repeats the word in a low voice "Grand..pa...Grandpa"

"Now eat, You can ask me anything you want"

Sera slowly started eating, their were so many dishes, that she was even confused from where should she start and end up eating a lot. He smiled seeing her happily eating.

'You bastard, I'll kill you again when I will meet you in heaven to leave such a beautiful granddaughter alone'

After having a meal they talked for a while,

She now knew that the person in front of her is Albert Adler, the eldest member of the Adler family who almost used to rule the underworld. She knew roughly about them her mother once told her when she was young that her Grandpa who was in the highest post in the military was friend with Albert Adler from their training days. But then he left the military and start working to control the underworld. And the only way to control the underworld was by ruling it.

Grandpa wants to help him but he couldn't because of her mother, he still promised Albert that her daughter Emily will help him one day. But soon he died in a car accident and Emily who was left all alone was taken in by her grandparents, Sera's great grandparents who were in fear after losing their son they don't want to lose their granddaughter as well so they avoided Albert at all cost.

But Emily was quick-witted, she secretly gets trained and wants to take over her father's place but then she fell in love with Kyle Robertson, Sera's biological father And never contacted them again.

Albert who understood everything just prayed for her happiness and never try to contact her either and even told her not to come to country X ever again.

But when Sera stepped in country X, Albert felt strange he knew Emily will never want her daughter to get a link with the underworld unless she wants her to walk on that abandoned path that she left.

After that he starts keeping an eye on Sera from afar, he wants to know first what's the real reason Sera was here for. And when he found how cruel life she and Emily were living all this while, he decided to help her find the lost path from which her mother got distracted a long time ago.