Waiting For Love

She kept staring at the moon with her empty eyes, her mother's words were still echoing in her head. That day she promised herself to destroy her biological father and everything for which he abandoned them.

First, she was confused when Grandpa Adler approached her and tell her to follow her mother's path.

Why did her mother from all the places only send her here?

There was something more to that day that she didn't see.

It was cold, she was out for too long. Soon it even started snowing, she got up and look for a shelter, there was nothing which could help her.

Walking for a while, she reaches a bridge, it was still cold there but at least that bridge was covered so she just sat down there looking at the moon.

She started humming a song to make herself feel a little better. Her mother used to always sing this song whenever she used to miss her biological father. Though she didn't like her to wait for him, this song somehow pleases her heart. As if it was telling her that it all be alright one day.


Shane was just walking and walking for a few hours. Flashes of everything that happened today was playing in front of his eyes.

He closed his eyes and crumbled down. Pulling his hair, he bites down his lips in frustration and repeated in a trembling voice "Stop! Stop! Stop!"

But it wasn't stopping, he felt like everything started moving in front of his eyes.

He didn't even know where he was but he just couldn't take it anymore. Everything was killing him, that pain was killing him. His head was spinning and all he could think about was just ending all this.

He just wanted to end all this... he just couldn't take this suffering anymore. He was tired of living this horrible nightmare.

He didn't even realize when he ended up on a bridge.

Maybe it was his fate, after all, he should end everything now.

He climbed up on the edge of the bridge, looking at the moon. He saw his mother face on it for the last time. He stretched his arms, closing his eyes. He felt the cold wind and his heart beating for the last time. And just lean his body forward ready to end everything.

But suddenly a distant voice strike on his ears.

"Monday.... left me... broken"

"Tuesday..... I was through.. with hoping"

"Wednesday my ....empty arms were.... open"

"Thursday.... waiting for love,... waiting for love"

That voice was soft soothing and full of pain. For some reason, his wild racing heart becomes soft, his mind with those terrifying thoughts becomes clear, his breath becomes stable.

He sighed standing there as he looked back to the moon, what the hell he was just going to do just now. Closing his eyes, he jumped back down on the bridge and followed that melody.

He followed that voice. It was like that voice was calling him.

"Thank... the stars it's... Friday"

"I'm burning... like a fire gone wild.. on Saturday"

He finally found her, she was sitting on the edge. She was trembling in cold, he hesitates for a while but then walked a bit towards her, maintaining a little distance. He doesn't want to freak her out, he couldn't get it What would a girl be doing all alone on a bridge? Looking at her dress, it was obvious she wasn't homeless.

"Guess... I won't be coming to church... on Sunday"

He could only see her back trembling. He tried to look at her face but couldn't see it, her hairs were covering her face. And suddenly she falls back, it was like his heart skip a beat. He quickly walked towards her, picking her up in his embrace. She was still singing in a trembling voice,

"I'll be... waiting for.. love, waiting for... love

"To come... around"