This Woman

Sera smirked as she stared at Lily. She just sat down in her luxurious car and went off.

Kyro chuckled as he said "Wow! What a nice girlfriend you have got. I can't believe you were defending her"

Ian glared at him as he stated "EX-GIRLFRIEND"


In a private room,

Kevin entered the room as he smirked looking at the lady "Oh! Well sorry not actually sorry to make you wait"

That lady scoffed as she looks at him "Well it wasn't unexpected"

Looking at him as she said biting her steak elegantly "You meeting me on time, might be a bit unexpected though"

Kevin combed back his silver hair with his fingers showing off his face, he smirked "Hey! We are friends. Don't take it to your heart"

He quickly sat down as he was about to dig in his food, she coldly stated "If we are friends, then I hope you will not take this case"

Kevin sighed as he put back his fork "Well, I am a professional person, I keep personal and professional things separate"

She scoffed as she stated "You will not stop being a jerk, Mr. Kevin Miller"

Kevin grinned "Never, Miss. Scarlet Petrov"

"Well then let's start our official meeting then"

He sighed looking at her "At least let me eat something first"

Ignoring his words she just gives him documents "I'll fight the case of Mrs. Rachel Frensby and hope to see you soon in court"

He took the documents and quickly passed his over "And I'll fight for my precious client Mr. George Fresnby"

She felt annoyed after hearing what he just said 'Precious?'

"I am telling you again, Kevin. Don't take this case"

Kevin frowned as he looks at her and asked "Wow, I didn't think you will be this aggressive"

"Is she your friend? middle school friend? High school friend or something?"

She sighed as she firmly said "No"

"Then what's the matter? Are you scared that you will lose against me?" Kevin chuckled as he said teasingly


His laugh disappeared when he heard her reply "Yes?"

Scarlet was the only lawyer he has considered to be good, she is sharp and clever. He was really fond of her, only if he was interested in having a relationship she will be the most suitable for him. He used to like how a rookie lawyer was so persistent and fearless against him, though she used to lose cases against him, she never gives up. So hearing Yes from her this time was kinda weird for him.

She firmly stated as she said glaring at him "She is a woman and you don't care after hearing what happened to her?"

Kevin just stared at her for a while as he said with a disappointed look "You remember the case you last fight about a man who murdered his own friend?"

She frowned and quickly recall "That cold shutter case?"

"Yes, Did you know the man did that for his family because his friend used to molest his wife and his daughter? He was a humble person, who lived his life just for his family, he also-"

"What do you wanna say?" She said cutting the chase

"I am saying that don't you feel bad after hearing this?" Kevin said taking a bite of his steak

"Well, he should have taken help of law, killing a person isn't an option"

Kevin smirked "Exactly, she should also have taken the help of the law when she was molested in her high school, but what she came up with a marriage with that jerk?"

She gritted her teeth "She was a high schooler, she has a family at that time. What did you expect a girl of her age to do?"

"She was a high schooler, she was intelligent enough to know what she was doing... , marrying a person who molested her do you think that's an option? It's you guys who treat yourself differently and then talk about equality. How do you think that man and 'THIS WOMAN' are different when both make a freaking irrational choice in emotion"


Kevin again cut her off "Come on, Scarlet we both know that we think alike that's why I have been friends with you. What did that woman even expect after marrying that person? Marriage wouldn't change that he molested her. It's totally her fault"

Suddenly Scarlet slammed her hand on the table and glared at him "Sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Kevin Miller. We don't think anything alike because that man and 'This woman' are totally different. You want to know why? They did make an irrational choice, but you know what.. one never sought help and one didn't stop seeking help. She was the woman I talked to you about who used to come every day to me begging me to fight her case"

Kevin felt speechless as he just looks at her "I never took her case thinking it was nonsense because I used to think just like you. Marriage with a jerk. Huh? But 12 fractures, 3 ribs broken and her body full of bruised changed my mind. Yes, she married a molester but she didn't deserve that. And yes, we woman make ourself look different and then talk about equality because we are never treated equally. So we act differently so that you people can know, that there is something called 'Equality' that should be there"

Kevin didn't say anything for a while.

"Mr. Miller, Yes I am afraid I will lose this case against you because I really want to win this case this time"

She took her bag and stormed outside.

Kevin stayed sitting right there as he just took a sip of juice and pouted "12 fractures? 3 ribs broken" He chuckled as continued "not bad"