Please suppress your anger, Your Highness.

"What a coincidence!"

He exclaimed with his loud booming voice, suddenly turning the quiet restaurant into a lively party atmosphere.

He pulled out a chair and sat next to me, as close as he could get. 

"I've missed you Miss Hayley."  He whispered into my ears as he came closer. 

A tall and skinny man he walked in with sat next to Mr. Robert. Very uncomfortably watching the two of us, while Mr. Robert remained non - chalant to it all.

"I know it's only been two days since we last met but I'm missing you like crazy. My beautiful princess." 

He spoke louder this time, I could see the skinny man's ear turning bright pink as he tried ignoring Prince Koles inappropriate words. 

I was glad we were the only ones present or else I would die of embarrassment right here and now.

"If you don't stop, I'll have you kicked out of here!"

I continued. 

"It will not look good in the news. A prince gets kicked out of the restaurant for inappropriate behaviour."

I tell him as I shuffle further away from him, increasing the distance between us. 

I hear a snicker and look up to see Mr. Robert failing to keep his straight face. It was a rare sight. 

Noticing my gaze he cleared his throat and returned back to his usual self. 

"You're no fun!" I hear prince Kole whine and sulk, but I had already pushed him way back into my thoughts because what blocked my vision was a prince more superior than him.

His eyes squinting in anger, his lips tightly shut and his hands stuck inside his side pockets. His dark suit perfectly matched his appearance while he slowly walked towards us. 

The restaurant suddenly felt chilly, the lights turned dim and he became the center. 

Feeling the odd change in our atmosphere prince Kole abruptly stopped his blabbering and remained still in his spot. 

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" 

He asked, emphasising each word. He kept his expression still, his face devoid of any brotherly love nor concern. 

"I…" Prince Kole started but was once again interrupted, not by his elder brother but his brother's butler. 

"Here to antagonise Miss Hayley, clearly failing to notice her displeasure." Mr Robert voiced out his opinion with a smug expression. I could tell he enjoyed seeing Prince Kole getting himself caught up in his own web, which I found quite surprising but what do I know. I'm just an outsider to these powerful beings. However, the more I get to know them the more I realize, not everything is black and white nor are they perfect. Apart from Prince Elijah of course, I'm yet to see his flaws.

Prince Kole didn't disagree with Mr. Robert's accusation and was rather tongue tied. Unable to stay looking like a little mouse caught up by the big cat, he dashed out towards the door without looking back but once he reached the exit he turned around. Seeing that no one was focused on him, he blew me a kiss and zoomed out relishing my surprised face. 

"I apologise on behalf of Prince Kole, please suppress your anger. Your Highness." The skinny man gave a bow, his head almost touching the floor. However it only increased the irritation of the already agitated beast. 

"Who said I was Angry?" 

Prince Elijah gave him a death stare.

"Pri..Prince Kole needs me."

He dashed out through the exit the same way as Prince Kole but the difference was he knew not to turn around. 

"They're both the same! Useless Rascals!" 

Prince Elijah finally spoke, his eyes still burning in hatred. I couldn't understand it, why would such a simple appearance of his brother cause him such discomfort and displeasure. 

Although the two disappeared, the air inside still remained heavy and heated. 

"Shall we order something now?" 

I broke the deadly silent aura and only then did Prince Elijah returned back to his gentle demeanour. 


He faced me and soon I could see the coldness from his eyes slipping away. I felt relief wash over me. 

Prince Elijah took a seat opposite me as Mr. Robert passed the menu to us. They quickly decided what they wanted, however I was totally indecisive, not because there were too many options to choose from but because I did not understand any of the dishes names. 

I scanned through some Kapa Fillet, Lamb swish, Halloumi and some other names I had never heard of, I knew they were waiting for me to decide so I picked the only dish that had two words which I could understand, somewhat. 

"Vege Falafel Salad" which was listed as the customers favourite, I have never tasted it before but as they say you never know till you try it yourself. 

A tall, sophisticated looking waiter came over to our table to take orders and left after refilling our drinks. In such a place even waiters are required to dress to the nines. 

As we waited for our dinner to be served, Prince Elijah spoke first. 

"About today, I'm sorry Hayley." 

He sipped his champagne and slowly placed it down. 

"Robert may have already filled you in on the details but you don't need to worry. This isn't the first time and most likely wouldn't be the last, I can assure you that." He sighed and looked up.

Only now did I notice he was exhausted, looking at him I felt almost sorry for him. All his responsibilities of being the crown prince, running multiple businesses and on top of that the pressure of being the future king. He has a small shoulder to carry such heavy weight and that too at such a young age. It's surreal that a 26 year old can manage all that, I fear I would still be a nobody at that age. 

"I'll always be here to help you." These words come out of me automatically. 

Both Prince Elijah and Mr. Robert look at me. They give a knowing smile followed by a slight nod.

"I know."