Hello Again!

Koji walked through the forest but repeatedly turned around to ensure that he retained a direct line of sight of his wives who sat near the campfire. When he reached a small clearing about a hundred feet away from camp, the young man stopped walking. He thought this was the perfect spot to train. As much as Koji wished to temper his body, he lacked a partner to hit him. Thus, Koji had to do something else.

The young warrior pondered his choices for a moment. The skills that Koji learned recently, such as the Hurricane Kick and saber fighting, were highly practical and beneficial to him as a fighter. Thus, he felt tempted to train those skills. But ultimately, he decided to practice his Dim-Mak and Wing Chun because Koji neglected his martial arts lately. Besides, they established his foundation as a fighter, and Koji needed to train them continuously to improve further.

The young man approached a suitably sized tree and started attacking it! "Wudadada!" Koji blurted out as his fingers jabbed at the tree trunk. In his mind, the fighter was attacking the secret pressure points on a human body. In particular, he targeted the throat, the heart, and the Lower Dantian to perform instant-death strikes!

Suddenly, Koji felt a shift in a tree branch nearby! He channeled his Yang Qi to his legs and jumped onto a branch. He saw quivering leaves, and his body moved immediately to chase after the spy!

Koji pushed his light footwork to its limit to keep up with the person for several breaths. To his dismay, he failed to close the distance! Koji worried that this was an attempt to lure him away while others attacked his camp. Thus, the Bonder gave up his chase and turned around.

Upon arrival, Koji saw that his wives were still in meditation and his maid was asleep in the tent. He saw no signs of an ambush of his camp, and Koji breathed a sigh of relief.

Splish! Abruptly, something sticky wrapped around his torso. A firm tug of the web pulled the helpless human into the trees! Before Koji could scream for help, sticky web covered his mouth, too! Also, the web tied his hands behind his back and tied his knees and ankles together. Koji struggled to break free, but the web was too strong. Soon, he hung upside down from a treetop.

Something caressed Koji's face. But since the campfire was far away, the captive couldn't see who touched him. The hands glided across his Adam's Apple and continued upward to his chest, his abs, and finally his penis. He heard a giggle as soft hands reached into his pants and began to stroke his little dragon and sack.

Koji struggled and swung back and forth while dangling on the web, hoping the momentum would cause the web to break.

However, the intrusive hands refused to let go of his manhood. "It's no use, Koji," a small female voice said.

Suddenly, the captive recognized the voice--Visharia Hacia! She was a mischievous arachnid who worked as a seamstress at the arena. Vi accompanied Koji, Zelea, and the centurions to the Sailan Forest. But she disappeared afterward, and he couldn't find her again until now. "Stop it, Vi!" the captive shouted. But the web covered his mouth, and it prevented Koji from speaking out.

"What did you say, sweety?" Vi asked in a girlish tone of voice. Chirk! She cut her web and removed it from Koji's mouth.

"Let me go, Vi!" he blurted out with anger.

"Why would I do that? You're my captive, and I've been dying to play with you," the arachnid cooed coquettishly. Before Koji could respond, Vi covered his mouth again but this time with a kiss. She stuck her tongue into his mouth while continuing to stroke his cock. The kiss lasted several breaths before Vi released Koji, with a trail of hot saliva dangling between their lips.

The captor smiled at her prisoner but received a harsh glare in return. "I'll let you go once I taste your cum," she said reluctantly. Vi covered his mouth with her web again before he could protest. The lustful spider woman then put his soaring cock in her mouth and deep throated him. She sucked him like a vampire, and her hot tongue twirled around his meaty flesh viciously until Koji lost his resistance and emptied his balls deep into her throat.

The victor of this struggle greedily swallowed every drop of his milk and squeezed his cock until it went limp. Finally, Vi opened her mouth and released him with a "pop!" "Your cum tastes great!" she praised while looking at him with dreamy eyes.

"Can you let me go now?" Koji asked weakly. "My wives are cultivating, and no one's watching them," he added.

The arachnid waved her hand dismissively. "I already wrapped the camp with a layer of my spider web. Neither beasts nor demons will reach them without my permission," Vi reassured him with a smile. The arachnid grabbed him by his waist and cut the strand of the web, which tied him to the tree top. Then Vi jumped and casually landed on the ground with a "plop." She princess-carried her captive back to the campfire and then cut all the web which bound his body.

Koji sat on the ground with a huff. As much as he enjoyed receiving the blowjob from Vi, he had to stop her from doing it again. "I'm a happily married man, and I can't fool around with you," he said in a low voice. His eyes looked away because Koji felt humiliated in becoming her sex toy a moment ago.

Vi looked at Zelea and Daethix, and she pointed at them. "Would you have a problem if your wives permit the two of us to fool around?" she asked bluntly.

The young man blinked his eyes several times at the question. Initially, Koji opened his mouth to say, "no." But then he remembered the deal that Zelea made with Ajuga to have Koji become the father of the dryad's children. Also, he recognized that Daethix wouldn't mind sharing him with other women in return for great benefits. Thus, Koji realized that his wives would allow Vi to fuck him if they receive adequate remuneration in exchange. "Um, why would you want me as your partner?" Koji asked.

The beautiful woman with raven hair and starlike eyes looked him up and down with open lust. "You're a man with extraordinary talent. And you're relatively young. Women with good tastes will find you attractive," she explained with a smile.

Koji blushed at the remark. He never saw himself that way.

"Oh, Koji!" Vi flirtatiously said as she pulled his head and pressed his face against her big bosom. She felt his hot breath on her chest, and her body shuddered involuntarily. The spider woman used every ounce of willpower Vi could muster to stop herself from tearing off his clothing and taking him on the spot!

"Did you just have an orgasm?" he asked with astonishment.

"I'm very close to it," she admitted honestly. The arachnid suspected that her body was physiologically attracted to Koji's male scent. Vi never had this reaction while hugging another man. "Do you dislike spider women?" she asked cautiously. Vi understood that males of other races often had arachnophobia; she hoped that Koji wasn't one of them.

Koji pulled his head up to face Vi. "I find you very attractive," he replied with sincerity. "You have a nice personality, a great figure, a beautiful face, and you're fun to be around. I'm flattered that you like me. I wouldn't mind adding you to my harem as a wife or a concubine. But I don't know your customs and how you handle polygamy," he explained.

Vi's heart fluttered at his words because she felt happy that her nature as a spider woman didn't repulse Koji. Vi understood many humans feared her, and she exploited it to her advantage at the arena. But hearing Koji's response, Vi thought that she made the right choice in making him her partner. She kissed Koji softly on his forehead. "Thank you," Vi said with a radiant smile.

"You're welcome," he smiled back. "Um, how long do you plan to hold me?" Koji asked with mild embarrassment. Vi was much stronger than him, and thus, he couldn't free himself from her grasp. But then again, Koji didn't mind pressing against her big boobs because they felt incredible!

"You lecherous man," she smirked while touching her nose with his. Vi reluctantly released him. The arachnid's face turned serious. "You should rest, Koji. Since I'm nocturnal, I could watch your camp," she offered.

Koji hesitated for a moment. But he felt the weariness in his flesh and bones, and he reluctantly accepted her offer. When he turned and headed toward the tent, Vi grabbed him from behind.

"You can sleep with me," the arachnid explained. With little effort, Vi immediately carried Koji to the ground near the campfire and sat on his chest. Her six spider legs surrounded his body like a protective barrier.

Koji tried to push the spider woman away, but Vi was too heavy for him to lift. He sighed softly and closed his eyes. He felt the warmth pressed against his body, and he soon fell asleep.


"Get off him!" someone yelled.

The shouting awoke Koji immediately. However, he felt something pressed against his chest, and the young man couldn't get up. He tapped lightly on a spider leg and asked, "Can you please get off me, Vi?"

The mischievous arachnid peered at his face. Vi smiled and said, "Since you used the magic word, I shall." The spider woman carefully lifted her lower torso, which replicated the body of a black spider, and she scurried off him.

When Koji sat up, he finally had an unobstructed view of the camp. He saw his wives staring at him, and both women looked angry. Lin Lin was also awake, and she blushed when he looked at her. "Um, good morning!" Koji greeted the trio with a shameless smile.

"Why is Vi here?" "Do you enjoy having a woman on top?" His two wives asked simultaneously. They glanced at each other and then stared at their promiscuous husband in unison.

Koji knew that he was in trouble. And he was keenly aware that Daethix and Zelea were jealous of Vi. If he gave a wrong answer, his wives would waste their precious Yin Qi to punish him. The young man raised his hands to surrender. "I was patrolling around the camp last night when Vi played a prank and tied me up with her web. She brought me back to the base but played another prank by sitting on top of me. Vi is a lot stronger than me, and she pinned my body under her. I gave up struggling and eventually fell asleep while underneath her," he explained succinctly while skipping out the details of her blowjob.

Zelea's head turned toward the spider woman, who nodded in confirmation of his words proclaiming innocence.

"Who are you?" Daethix asked while devouring the arachnid with her hateful eyes.

However, the evil eyes rolled off Vi like raindrops on a rooftop. "My name is Visharia Hacia, but my friends call me 'Vi,'" she introduced herself and bent her spider legs to produce a proper curtsy. "I'm very pleased to meet Your Highness, Third Princess Daethix Colarte Nephosia. Your reputation as the most beautiful woman in the Northern Kingdom is well-deserved," Vi said glibly.

"Your surname is Hacia?" Daethix asked and batted her long eyelashes. "Which princess of the Western Kingdom of Hapta are you?" she inquired while folding her thin arms under her massive breasts. The lamia's snake tail twitched.

Vi giggled. "You are very well informed, Your Highness. I am the Thirteenth Princess. Hacia is the surname of my father, Soren Hacia, the favored husband of my mother, Queen Giacona Frisexa Hapta," she revealed.

"Why are you here in Nephosia?" the third princess continued her impromptu interrogation.

"I seek knowledge, and I enjoy learning new things. I find your Bonder system intriguing, and I wish to learn more about it," Vi answered.

"Why didn't you go to the Southern Kingdom instead?" Daethix asked. "The nagi also bond with humans."

The spider woman made a face. "The nagi live in the water. I'm a spider, and I can't breathe underwater. It made more sense for me to come to Nephosia instead," she explained.

"So you want to follow Koji?" Zelea asked.

Vi nodded.

"But studying the bonder relationship isn't the only reason you're following Koji. You desire to mate with him as your husband," Daethix noted.

The spider woman grinned.

"Why do you want Koji?" Zelea groaned while rubbing her temples. The last thing she wanted was another love rival for Koji's affection!

"For the same reason you both married him--Koji is extraordinarily talented. If I mate with him, then my offspring will inherit his talents," Vi said while hugging Koji from behind.

Zelea's jealousy reached a boiling point, and she was ready to explode! She started to channel Yin Qi to pull Vi away from her husband.

However, Daethix patted her sister's arm and said in a low voice, "Don't attack her. She is a princess."

The angry lamia reluctantly released her Qi. But Zelea glared at the audacious spider woman, who was still hugging her Koji! UGH!

"If we allow our husband to mate with you, what will you offer in exchange?" Daethix inquired with a calm tone of voice as if she was talking about a stallion. The third princess was open to the idea because an official relationship between Koji and Vi would create an unseverable relationship among her generation of royalty within the Land of the Four Winds. Furthermore, bringing Vi under Koji's influence wasn't a bad thing in her mind. Daethix secretly hoped that her little sister wouldn't put up too much of a fight against having Koji mate with Vi.

The arachnid smiled because she believed that the third princess would seriously negotiate for Koji's breeding rights. Vi appreciated Daethix' open mind because this made the negotiations smoother when emotions and feelings separated from the affairs of the kingdom. "I can ask my mother to send some soldiers into your kingdom and cleanse the towns and villages of demons. I also wish to accompany Koji to the Reid Rose Pinnacle," Vi answered.

The third princess shook her head. "If my subjects see arachnids walking around, they will mistakenly believe that Hapta is exploiting the demon invasion to declare war on Nephosia. Therefore, I cannot permit your soldiers to enter my kingdom," Daethix declined immediately. "As to whether you can accompany us to the lair of the Immortal Phoenix, I will leave that decision to Koji as he is our party leader," she continued.

Vi pressed her breasts against Koji's back. "Can I come along?" the bewitching spider woman cooed in his ear. She swayed from side to side, rubbing her erect nipples against him.

"S-sure," he stammered as his skin tingled from her softness.

Zelea lashed out angrily and smashed her snake body against a nearby tree, which snapped and fell to the ground. "Hmph!"

Koji gently removed Vi's hands from his waist. "Okay, let's eat breakfast and prepare to break camp," he ordered and clapped his hands.