The attire!

Austin buttoned his black coat and walked across the lounge, towards his personal elevator. As soon as the elevator landed on the ground floor and its door opened, he was recieved by his team of lawyers, who had to assist him in the current case. While, few were the new interns, others were the experienced employees of his company.

Austin stepped out and looked at his team of ten lawyers.

"Good morning sir!" The team greeted him in unison, looking at Austin. The girls could not help but blush looking at their handsome boss!

"Good morning! Everything set for today?" Austin replied plainly looking at his immaculately dressed team.

"Yes sir!" The team spoke in unison again.

"Good!" Suddenly Austin's eyes fell upon an intern, who was not wearing a collared shirt, like others from the team. She was rather wearing a white deep, V-neck halter top, underneath her black coat. Austin looked at her revealing cleavage for a few seconds, seeking other's attention too. Everybody too turned to look at the girl out of curiosity and suddenly figured out the reason of their boss's stare.

The girl Melissa was smiling and looking towards Austin. Finally after so many months, she was able to seek his attention.

"Melissa, where exactly are we heading to?" Austin looked at the beautiful blonde girl, with a heavy makeup and a tight pony tail.

Melissa smiled, clenching her hands together. "Sir, to the court, before the magistrate!" She was extremely elated to see Austin asking her questions, personally.

"Good! For what?" Austin asked another question, constantly staring at her.

"Ummm! Sir, to win the case for Mr. Charles, our client!" Melissa smiled again, looking at her boss. In no time, the boss would make her the head of this legal team or maybe his assistant lawyer!

"And who are we?" Austin tilted his head and smiled at the girl.

Everbody was stunned to see Austin smile at the girl.The man hardly smiled, except when he was talking to his partner Smith or his driver Will. Other lawyers from the team, were disgusted to see the man oggling over Melissa's breasts. Just because the girl was wearing revealing clothes, she was getting extra attention!

"Tee-Hee-Hee, Sir, we are the lawyers!" Melissa was now swaying her body slowly, blushing at Austin's words.

Suddenly Austin's smile disappeared and he slammed his palm on the door of the elevator, creating a loud thud. "Then who the fuck gave you the permission to wear these clothes!!!!!!!!" The man shouted so loudly that everybody around him was startled to the core. His voice echoed in the entire hall, making many more lawyers to gather around him.

Melissa shivered hearing the thunderous voice of the man and tears dropped down from her eyes instantly. "Sorry sir....I....I....was...jus....."!

"I was what?!!!! Just trying to show off my cleavage to my boss????? Austin shouted again, making everybody look at her attire. Some people giggled at their boss's words, looking at Melissa in disgust.

Feeling everybody's stares at her cleavage, the girl lowered her head, hidding her top with her coat. "Please! I am sorry sir!" Tears dropped down from her eyes, feeling extreme humiliation. She could feel, everybody was now gossiping about her.

Austin glared at Melissa, with anger. "I don't pay you this much for these stupid fashion shows! You are a lawyer, but now you do not deserve it. Collect your pay and leave the office instantly."

Melissa looked at Austin in shock. "What? But sir please! I have been working very hard for the company! Please sir please!"

The girl folded her hands but Austin did not even bother to look at the girl again.

He looked towards his assistant lawyer, moving towards the exit door. "You have two minutes! Replace Melissa from the team, with another lawyer. No mistakes this time!"

Melissa fell down on the ground, crying while other members of the team, immediately followed Austin. Everybody else too, continued back to work, not paying attention towards Melissa. They all cared for their jobs, so nobody could even dare to comfort the girl.

A brand new black colored Mercedez Benz, was parked outside the door. As soon as Austin stepped out, the driver opened the back-seat door for him.

"Good Morning Mr. Turner!" The driver greeted warmly.

"Good morning Will! How are you today?" Austin asked plainly, sitting in the car.

Austin sat in his car alone, while his team, seated themselves in seperate cars, including his assistant. Everybody knew that Austin liked to sit alone with his driver, Will. Will was originally his father's driver, who used to drop and pick Austin from school everyday. Austin was pretty close to Will, and as per his childhood habbit, he would explain him everything that happened to him during the entire day.

"Very well! You?" Will smiled, sitting at the driver's seat.

"Hmmmm! Just chucked another one out of the company! These young girls, they think its easy to earn money. Wearing revealing clothes, can solve anything!" Austin frowned, looking at Will.

"Hahaha! Another gone!" Will laughed, counting the number of interns he had chucked out in past one year. "This is 79th!"