The lion....

Austin then turned to look at the magistrate. "Your honour as you see, this man is highly unstable. He falsly claimed against my client, just to earn some fraud money. Also, the hospital treated him for free, and now he asking money for his treatment? Money for what?"

The magistrate looked at the plaintiff lawyer, who was standing dumbly, looking at Austin. "Does the plaintiff side have any other evidence?"

The lawyer looked at the magistrate nervousely. He was so confident of John's statement, that he had prepered just one more evidence. Everybody had told him, not to take up this case against Austin's client, but he was extremely confident of John. But John had suddenly changed his statement, surely he must have been given huge incentive! He silently prayed to God, to let this last evidence work. "Ye..Yes...Your honour! My next eye witness is the garage's mechanic, who repaired the car after its collision with the man. The car had a cracked mirror and after the collision, it had hit a pillar, damaging its rear area."

Just then a man dressed in a greasy blue mechanic uniform entered the room. He stood inside the short wooden cubicle, looking at Austin. Austin gave him a even more dangerous look, but the mechanic did not care and casually turned his gaze away.

"Mark! Can you tell the court in detail about the condition of the Ferrari, which Charles was driving!" The elderly lawyer, questioned him.

"Your honour, the car was badly damaged from the front. The mirror was cracked, so we had to change it completely! This man is a killer your honour!" Mark pointed his finger at Charles. Charles, shivered in nervouseness and so did his father who was sitting on a bench, amongst the crowd.

Austin's team of lawyers, looked at Austin in surprise. Is he going to lose this case now? They all looked at Austin who was sitting calmly, flipping his pen left and right.

The middle aged lawyer looked at Austin and smiled victoriously.

"Do you have any questions for the eye-witness, from plaintiff's side?" The magistrate looked at Austin in curiosity.

"As a matter of fact, I do your honour!" Austin calmly stood up from his seat, walking towards the mechanic. He was smiling warmly at the mechanic, which was in reality his usual cunning smile.

"Hello Mark!" Austin greeted warmly, surprising Mark.

"Hello Sir!"

"Mark! I have heard a lot about you. You sure are very talented in your job!"

"Thank you sir! My boss loves my job too. I am the best mechanic he has ever had." Mark was feeling elated, getting praises from a man like Austin that too in front of so many people.

"Wow! So, how many cars have you repaired in total?" Austin pretended to sound very impressed. But he was in reality acting like a lion, slowly ready to pounce on its prey, after setting a careful trap...


The interns were getting confused at their boss's behaviour. "Why is he chit-chatting with him?"

"I don't know! Is he nervous?" The other intern whispered back.

"I think he has lost all hope and is just wasting time!"

Whereas the senior members of team knew, Austin does everything for a proper reason. "Shhhhh! You don't know our boss yet! His brain and manipulations are out of this world! So keep quiet and just watch the show!" The senior member of Austin's team, rebuked the interns...

Mark frowned listening to Austin's question. "Haha! Sir! You know my capabilities! I have repaired more than a million cars, in past twenty years of my life. How can I even count?" The silent court room was filled with gurgling sounds of Mark's proud laughter.

"Haha! Very nice Mark! So you must be handling small repair works, I am sure. The larger ones must be given to other more capable mechanics!"

"Hah!!! What are you saying sir. I get all the major car accidents, in my hands! Six days back, a car was badly smashed from both the sides. But I changed it into a brand new one!"

"Ahhh!! Both the sides damage! What a careless driver! Such people are murderers!!"

"Oh no sir! The driver is not always at fault. The man was innocent, but it was the truck driver who was rash! It is not necessary that the car owner is always bad!" Mark smiled, looking at Austin. He believed he had spoken a very wise scentence, whereas the plaintiff's lawyer slapped his forehead.

"Right! Then how did you assume that just because Charles had an accident, he had hit this old man? It can be just a normal accident!!! Tell me! How can you say that??" Austin shouted at the mechanic, stunning him to the core.

The mechanic stood still at sudden change in Austin's tone and body language. Just few seconds back, he was appearing so friendly and appreciative! Was he tricking him? Offcourse he was!