Cause of worry!

From the beginning, Austin's mother had been trying to make him to, not give much importance to a mere driver. But, for Austin, Will was something else. He can never forget his school days, when his parents could not attend his parent's meet or annual celebrations, due to their busy schedules. Will could never see the little boy's sad face, so he would often attend these functions on his parents behalf.

Back in school days, he would often come back from school to an empty house, full of staff to look after him. Will always cheered up the boy, listening to his day to day stories and guiding him. Thus, Austin will always be greatful to Will for the time he had invested in him, despite having an option of not caring at all.

Austin's mother thus never succeeded in seperating the two.

"Very well son! Anyways I am happy for you!" She smiled patting his hand.

Austin smiled back, looking at her.

Suddenly, her mother's face grew worried and she asked the boy. "Sweetheart! Any improvement with the recent change in therapy!?"

Austin pursed his lips and sighed. "No mother! Not yet! Just don't worry about it. It is not hurting me in any way. I have accepted it a part of life, from many yeats now!"

"Oh dear! If we could just find somebody, who can atleast once put you to sleep." She choked on her saliva, feeling overwhelmed.

"Don't worry! We will dear! I am sure there is sombody made for this boy, who can bring sleep in his eyes." His father patted her head lovingly. But his face was himself tense.

Austin knew his condition was a main cause of worry for his family and friends. He was an insomniac! Ever since, he was born he had a strange disorder. He could never sleep. Not even for a second!