The new case..

Austin straight away went to his library and took out a legal issues book from the vast shelves, full of law books. He sat comfortably on a leather couch and started reading the book, as per his daily routine. This has been his daily routine, ever since he started working!

He never attended parties or social meets, but rather spent his free time, reading legal books. After one hour, the door bell rang and the house maid opened the door. Smith entered the library, holding the bottle of a champagne.

"Brother!!! Well done!!" Smith walked towards Austin, who was engrossed in the book.

Austin looked up and smiled. "To you too man!" He straightened his back and gave a high five to Smith.

They both went out of the library and climbed up the stairs, going straight away to Austin's bar. It was a beautifully constructed wooden room, full of glass shelves. All kinds of rare wines and whiskeys were on display.

Smith quickly opened the champagne taking a sip from the bottle directly. He then placed the bottle near Austin's mouth and Austin too took a big sip from the bottle.

"Yeahhh!!! This is how success tastes!!" Austin took another sip, sitting down on the couch. Smith grinned widely, sitting on the other couch just opposite to him. "We have another high profile case bro! This one will give us double the amount from the previous one!"

Austin put down the bottle, his eyes shining in excitement." Double the amount?"

"Yes! It is a high profile domestic violence case. The guy was drunk and he actually hit his wife badly. We have to defend the guy somehow!" Smith took the bottle in his hands, taking a sip.

"Hmmm! I see! Who is the girl's lawyer?" Austin smirked.

"Linda Woods!" Smith smirked wickedly, looking at Austin.