The evidence....

The magistrate heard both the party's side and turned to look at Linda. "Hmmm! The plaintiff may proceed to show the evidence, supporting their claim!"

"Very well your honour! Fistly I would like to produce a phone recording in the court. This recording belongs to the land-line phone, present in the room of the couple nack in Maldives. My client Elly had called up the manager for help. Everything is in this audio! Here are the forensic reports of the authenticity of the recording." Isa handed over a report to the magistrate and instantly connected the audio to a player and played the audio.

Soon the court room was filled with distressed voice of a girl. "Hello!!!?

Yes mam! How may I help?

I am Elly Jackson! Please help!!! My husband is beating me!!

Hello? Mam? Are you ok?

He.....ahhhh! Help!!! Please!! No Ashley!!! Ahhhh!!! Help!!!!....*beep beep beep*"

"As it can be clearly heard, the voice of was of Elly, my client who called up the manager immediately! But soon Mr. Jackson took away the phone and cut the line." Linda spoke up, switching off the recording!

The magistrate then turned to look at Austin, who was once again looking at Linda. "Does defendant want to say anything?"

"Indeed your honour! Austin stood up from his seat, walking ahead. This is just an audio recording of the girl and the manager. How does this prove that my client is guilty? Just yesterday a friend of mine, pranked me into believing that he met with an accident! But did he actually? To prove my point, I want to call the manager of the hotel himself as my first eye witness!"