The face slap...

"No! But I...." Austin spoke up again.

"Approved! You may go ahead Miss Woods!" The magistrate intervened in between.

"Thank you! Your honour!" Linda smiled and walked towards Sheryl smiling at her. Sheryl smiled back at Linda. Unlike other eye -witnesses, this girl looked extremely confident and uneffected by Austin's stern gaze. She infact looked back at Austin and even gave her a sarcastic smirk, in reply to his stern gaze.

Austin frowned in anger, clenching his fists.

"Miss Hope! Can you please tell us, how you met Mr. White and what happened?"

"Offcourse! Your honour, Smith and I know each other from before and we became good friends and exchanged our numbers. So when I came to the city for a fashion event, I called him up to meet me, as I had ample of free time. Smith I thought was kind enough to accept my offer, but I did not know his ulterior motives for me!' Sheryl pursed her lips and looked at shocked Smith, trying not to laugh at him.

"He came to the hotel room and started giving me hints. He even removed his jacket and was about to unbutton his shirt, when a friend of mine called up for an urgent help!"

"What the hell!" Smith muttered looking at the innocent looking model." Why is she doing this to me?"

Austin was now again and again, looking at Smith. Smith quietly came forwards and sat next to Austin.

"What the hell is wrong with your girl!" Austin whispered in his ears.

"To hell with my girl, I don't know! I did not even do anything! She was the one to seduce me first and remove my jacket!" Smith whispered back in Austin's ear.