Girl power!

"Is he in shock?"

"He looks really angry!"

"Does this mean, we lost the case?"

"Man!! This is the first case, in history of our company!"

"Boss will not let her go away with this, so easily!"

"The girl has some guts!"

"Shhh!! Quiet! The magistrate is going to announce the verdict!"

The magistrate after another fifteen minutes, looked up at everybody and sat upright. "After considering all the produced evidences by both the parties, the court has come to a verdict that Ashley Jackson, is indeed guilty of beating his wife mercilessly!"

Austin slammed his hand on the bench in anger and frustration. Linda smiled happily, patting Elly's back!

"I hereby award Miss Elly a compensation of 74, 000 USD, and also a quick provisional divorce, if she wishes to have one. Also, the guilty Ashley Jackson is awarded one year of imprisonment followed by two months of community service! The court is now dismissed!!!"

Elly hugged Linda in happiness, her tears unstoppable. She then walked towards Sheryl and hugged her too. "Thank you so much Sheryl! I owe you a big one!"

Sheryl smiled patting the girl's hand.

"Linda is my best friend! When she told me your case, I simply had to help!"

Austin and Smith who were hearing the entire conversation looked at each other and smirked. "Girl power on fire bro!"