His defeat...

"Great!!! See you girls at 8:00pm then! How about the Elite Club?" Smith spoke up excitedly.

"Oh! Yes! I wanted to go there from a long time. We'll meet there then!! Bye!!" Sheryl spoke up, waving at them happily.

Linda nodded graciously looking at both her ex-bosses. "Good bye!"

"Good bye Linda!" Austin nodded, in a professional manner.

"See ya!" Smith waved at them happily.

Both the girls left and Smith immediately slapped Austin's arm. "What's wrong with you bro! I am trying to set you up with your girl, atleast be a little impressive and charming!"

"I am in no mood Smith! I don't even have the guts to go out of this court room. Tomorrow, we will be all over the news papers and today we will be all over the television news, that our company lost its first case. That too from an ex-employee!!" Austin snapped back at his friend.

"Relax Austin!! This is part of our profession! With so many victories, one single defeat will not make us weak. This is a lesson for both of us. We need to be a little more vigilant now! Ok?" Smith patted the boy's shoulder.

"Yeah!! It's a big lesson! From now on, no body can use us like this! Nobody!!!" Austin took deep breaths, trying to calm himself down.

"Ohk! Now cheer up! Let's go home and then we will go to the party! This is your first unofficial dinner with Linda! Show some excitement bro!" Smith tried to cheer up the boy.

Austin smiled at the boy, half heartidly, but he still was not able to get over his defeat!

"Come let's go!" Smith patted the boy's back and they both walked out of the court room!