French kiss..

"They are kissing!!" Linda gapped at the two and shouted out loud.

"Woahh!! Kissing? I would say more like licking!! Gross!!" Austin pretended to gag and turned back to look at Linda.

"Licking? Like seriously!! It's called a french kiss!" Linda looked back Austin in surprise.

"Haha!! I have lived half of my life in Paris, and I have not seen anything as gross as this! Don't call it a french kiss!" Austin nodded his head in disapproval.

"Then what do we call it!!" Linda looked at the two again kissing people, thinking hard.

"Gross kiss!" Austin chuckled looking at them. "French kiss is different!"

"Really? How?" Linda asked in curiosity, chuckling.

"Well, as far as french kiss is concerned it is softer and the tongue is used to kiss each other's lips or tongue." Austin explained in a serious tone.

"Ohh! No mouth?" Linda looked again, at the two people, trying to see if their mouth were also matching.

"Nope! No mouth!!" Austin smirked at the girl, who was carefully studying how the two people were kissing. He could not help but in meanwhile, stare at the girl's slightly parted lips. He imagined licking them with his tongue.

"But then French kiss is more gross!! I mean how can you use your tongue!!? Eww!!" Linda frowned looking at the man in confusion.

"Hah!!! Just because you have never done it, you are saying it! Isn't it?" Austin poured some more wine for himself.

"You are right! I have not!" Linda pouted ger lips in sadness.

"Our tongue is proven to stimulate endorphine release, which reduces stress levels and increases physiological sexual arousal!' Austin smirked, looking at the girl.

"Ohhh!! You seem to be quite an expert!!" Linda grinned, finishing her drink.

"Ahh!! I had a girl friend six years back! So I know it!" Austin confessed.

"Oh!! So that was the last you dated? That's too long!! Why?" Linda looked at the man in surprise.