Coming close...

Linda grinned looking at the man and placed her palm on his hand. "All right at your own risk!"

"Ahh! Yes! You have my legal consent. You are not liable to any damage that happens in the process! All the hospital bills will be paid by me." Austin smirked looking at her, holding her hand tightly. He stood up immediately, feeling excited to dance with her. He was loving the touch of her soft hands.

"Well, in that case let us go!" Linda too stood up, trying to balance herself, on her high heels and trying to stabalize her currently disorganised head. "See you guys later!" She waved her hands at Smith and Sheryl.

She walked a few steps, when Austin held her waist purposely. "Look at you! You are actually drunk! Let me hold you. You were about to hit that table!" Austin pointed a table at far end.

"Was I? Gosh I did not realise that at all!" Linda turned her head and looked at the table in surprise.

"Yes! No worries, I am holding you now!" They walked towards the dance floor with the man's hand on her waist and his other hand still holding her hand. She was not actually going to hit the table, but Austin made up the excuse to hold the girl's waist, closer to him.

They halted on the dance floor, looking at each other, amidst the loud music and shimmering lights.

"What do we do now?" Linda asked shouting amidst the thumping beats.

"What? I can't hear you?!" Austin bent closer to her face, while he had already heard the girl's words.

"I am saying....What are we supposed to do now?" She spoke just a few inches closer to his ears, making the boy's heart swoon in happiness.

"Let me show you!" He spoke in her ear, looking at her mole just below it. He so much wanted to bite her ear there and then.