Obedient puppy...

"Hey wait!! Let me go outside first." Austin literally shreiked at the girl in anguish. 

Linda halted unzipping her dress and looked at Austin in confusion. "Why are you in my cubicle, when I want to pee? You are shameless and a pervert!!" Linda looked at the boy angrily accusing him suddenly. 

Austin slapped her forhead once again. "Do you have amnesia!? You were not even able to sit on the seat. I helped you. Now you are blaming me for it? Just hoe much are you drunk Linda!" Austin looked at the girl in surprise.

"Ohh!! Yeahh!! Now I remember it." Linda spoke with an embarrased and apologetic face. 

Austin nodded his head in disapproval. "I am going out now. Make sure to zip your dress before you call me inside again." Austin literally begged, feeling his crying manhood's wails. 

"Ok! Got it" Linda pursed her lips again in embarrasement, regaining some sense. 

Austin walked out of the cubicle and immediately washed his hands, his usual germophobe inside him, looking at his hands in a disapproving manner, having touched the cubicle's bar. 

After a few more minutes, the cubicle door flew open, with much more than needed force. Austin was startled and turned his head and realised that the girl was not able to get up from the seat, so she lifted her leg and kicked open the door with much force. "I am done! But everything is swinging Austin!!" She blushed a bit. 

Austin did not look at the girl but rather asked her in a warning tone. "Is your zipper closed? Is your dress intact?" 

"Yes! I double checked!" Linda nodded in a yes, like an obedient puppy.