Seduction skills...

"No! It scared me, just a little!" Linda spoke in an innocent tone looking at him. 

"Ouch!!! It is still hurting so much Linda. What did you do Linda? I was just helping you and you kicked me." Austin looked at the girl and frowned, pretending to be in pain.

"Ohhh! Ohhh! I am so sorry." Her hands again travelled towards his balls and his manhood and she started rubbing them gently again feeling extremely guilty. "Is it better now?" 

"Ahhhh!! Ahhh!! No! Not yet keep doing it." The boy moaned in pleasure. He walked a little more closer to her, bringing his face close to her face. Their lips were now just a few inches apart and they could feel each other's breath on their lips. "Do not stop Linda. Keep doing it. Do you feel how hard it is? Do you?" Austin spoke in a seductive tone. 

Linda shuddered and her breath grew deaper as she finally realised the hardness of the man's errect penis. "Yes! I do." She spoke rubbing it constantly,  this time not stopping.