In the car...

The happy man walked across the pathway towards the lounge where several people were sitting and chatting with each other. By this time most of the people were high, which was a usual scene in every club of the city. Some were flirting with each other, while some were busy kissing each other there and then. Some stories were meant to continue even the next morning while some stories ended as soon as the hangover ended. Austin wondered for a while, what their story would be like?

He knew the girl was in a drunken condition and this was the reason she was behaving this way. He wondered how she would feel about the next morning. Will she be equally attracted to him or will she be devastated having made out with him? Austin looked in the girl's beautiful eyes and all the thoughts popping in his head vanished away. Her luscious lips were once again just next to his face and he now did not want to think of any other thing. "Oh, hell with tomorrow morning. Let us enjoy now."