The sad boy...

Soon they both were dressed again, sitting at the back set of the car looking at each other. There was dead silence for a few seconds and then Austin broke the ice between them, trying to make it lest awkward. "Ahem! I had a wonderful time with you Linda. Thank y....."

Linda yawned loudly and rested her head on the back seat of the car as if totally not interested in what Austin had to say. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths trying to relax.

"You look mighty tired."Austin smiled looking at the girl. His gaze once again fell upon her alluring cleavage and he sighed trying to control his urge. "May be we could meet more oft...."

"Can you please drop me to my house Austin? I think I can feel a headache coming. "The girl yawned again not letting the man complete his sentence yet again as she opened her watery eyes looking at the man.