I want you...

She quickly picked up her phone and texted the man immediately with her fingers, and then she slammed her phone on the table, with much force and frustration.

'Sorry. I am not interested in going on a date for you. Do not ever message me or irritate me with your flowers. Bye.'

The girl was now mighty angry not on the boy but on herself for thinking that the boy might have changed, after falling in love with her. She then quickly let out a big sigh and got up on her feet, packing up her stuff to go home.

Suddenly her phone buzzed and she stopped abruptly to look at it, in much annoyance. As usual the boy had texted him instantly and this time he was sending her multiple messages, one after the other. Linda rolled her eyes hearing the multiple pings and then opened the message box as she already knew that it must be Austin who is constantly sending her messages.

-you cancelled the date? But what happened? Did i offend you in any way?