Son in law....

The boy fell down from the ladder with a loud thud and the girl screamed in panic looking at the state of affairs. She was butt naked, merely wrapped in satin sheets and her mother was already running out of the living room with a big rod in her hand. The two guards previously sitting sluggishly were also now sprinting rapidly towards the fallen man, who groaned in much pain.

The girl gasped in shock as she had inadvertently left hold of the ladder which had now fallen right on top of the boy's body, hitting him very hard.

"Aaoouuuuuu!!" the boy screamed in pain as the ladder hit him on his head and his arms. His back was already scratched much as he was not even wearing his shirt. The girl stood stupefied as she spotted her mother, in her night gown running to thrash the thief.

"There he is guards, catch him! I shall call the police." The lady shouted running towards Austin.