Seduction game

"Haha. No brother." Smith smiled in much relief hearing such a light- hearted joke from Austin. "You are getting late. The car is waiting for you guys."


Linda had changed into a beautiful A - line dress and was inside her room talking to her mother and Sheryl.

"Did he tell you, the location?" Linda's mother asked in excitement as she packed the things for her daughter.

"No. Mother. It is a surprise for me. Have you packed everything?" She appiled the gloss on her lips and turned to look at her mother.

The old lady smirked and quickly closed the suitcase. "Yes all done. Hurry up. You are getting late now." 

Soon the couple was already walking hand in hand out of the wedding venue, while everybody cheered for them happily. 

"So where are we going?" Linda sat inside the car and turned to look at Austin.

"Paris." Austin smiled while sitting in the car and the car quickly drove away towards the airport.