Prologue: Diary of the Dark Web

The internet is a truly marvelous invention. Its capacity to store and share information has made it a worldwide phenomenon that has suffused itself into nearly every aspect of our lives.

However, have you ever considered what the internet truly is? Of course, the professionals and tech savvy will provide you with an answer laden with technical terms and jargon, but I find this answer unsatisfactory.

The internet is a living organism given life by our interactions within and across various servers. In a way the internet can be thought of as a child of humanity. And like any child, it has secrets.

Some call this collection of secrets the dark web, but I call it home which is ironic really as I have no home. I have nothing really. Identity, personal relationships, and even my life itself was forsaken to elucidate just one of the many dark, dirty secrets hidden within the recesses of the internet.

And it all began within the deepest recesses of the internet where one could find an obscure and unassuming chatgroup known simply as Mortal Initiates.

"I have nothing save the very thing that deprived me of everything" -- Victim