Just Take My Fingers

The first hour or so of running was an arduous experience because Dean's legs kept sinking knee-deep into the street. 'I guess I should be lucky that I'm not just phasing through the ground. Just imagining myself sinking through the ground into the sewers makes my scalp tingle.'

About halfway through this hour, Dean began to question why he had to run anyway. From his knowledge, all ghost should have some level of flight, but here he was, forced to run up the street so he asked the system. "System, can I fly right now or is it an ability I have to buy?"

"Host, the ability to fly can be purchased for 10 Malice Points." The system seemed to hate giving anything for free and immediately stated the price of the ability.

"So, I still have to run for now. System, now that we have some extra time tell me more about the foundational abilities for each discipline." Dean figured now would be a good time to inquire more about the abilities the system mentioned earlier; after all, he was just running with nothing else to do.

"Yes, the foundational abilities for each discipline are very distinct from one another. The foundational ability for the spiritual discipline is known as Spiritual Manifestation and the foundational ability for the physical discipline is known as Physical Manifestation,"

"Yeah, and what's the difference between them?"

"Spiritual Manifestation does nothing more than allowing the host to express their presence to other living creatures. Whenever someone claims to feel a chill because of a ghost or an ordinary animal somehow senses a spirit its because the spirit has Spirit Manifestation. Physical Manifestation simply allows for the host to influence inanimate objects very slightly."

"How slightly are we talking about here?"

"With just the foundational ability the host can only exert 5 pounds of force at most."

After hearing the descriptions for each foundational ability, Dean realized that the 2 abilities were distinctly different from one another. Physical Manifestation allowed him to move objects while Spiritual Manifestation allowed for him to interact with living organisms. Moreover, while Spiritual Manifestation seemed weak compared to Physical Manifestation, the fact that it cost one more Malice Point signified its potential in the future.

'It seems that in the future I'll have to discover the proper balance between the two disciplines.'

'Well, for now, all I can do is keep running.'


2 Hours later.

"System are you sure that we're almost there already? It's only been a little under 2 hours? " Without the limitations of a respiratory system, Dean was able to make surprising time. In fact, he wasn't sure, but he thought that running 25 miles in less than 2 hours had to be a record of some sort.

"According to the GPS, the destination should be coming up on the left in half a mile."

Running another half a mile, Dean realized that identifying CandyUncle would be harder than expected. Before him stood a small seedy little motel, with 10 or so rooms. Business seemed to be going well because the parking contained 7 vehicles of various models.

'Why did it have to be a motel? Why couldn't I get lucky and get a 1 room apartment for my first target? Now I'll have to play Inspector Gadget and unravel the mystery of CandyUncle's identity.'

'Well at least after I find this fellow there will be one less deranged uhh...' Dean wanted to continue lambasting CandyUncle but he realized that he didn't even know what this fellow was guilty of. In his long run over here, he'd completely overlooked this matter.

Feeling somewhat embarrassed, Dean told the system to pull up the most recent messages CandyUncle had sent in the chat room.

"Would the host like to see CandyUncle's public or private messages."

"System, you know I can't spend any extra Malice Points why do you even ask?" Dean had long since assumed that any privileges given by the system would cost Malice Points, so he hadn't even thought to ask the system to hack into CandyUncle's private messages. He was just hoping CandyUncle would reveal enough on the public message board to reveal the nature of his twisted desires and interests.

"The host misunderstands. Malice Points are not required for most technological feats, so hacking into CandyUncle's private messages is a simple matter that does not require any Malice Points."

"Really!? Great, show me his private messages then."

"Okay, the system will now show CandyUncle's private messages for the last 2 weeks."

With those words, the system once again projected a holographic screen before Deans eyes. Dean wanted to tell the system that it needed to go back further than just 2 weeks but after seeing the dozens of private message threads between CandyUncle and various other users Dean realized that going back any further was unnecessary.

'Man, this guy sure likes to talk doesn't he.'

Deciding to start at the top, Dean clicked on the thread between CandyUncle and another user named Myfavorite.

CandyUncle: "Did you receive the first part of the video I sent you?"

Myfavorite: "Yeah I got it. It was so good that I ended up staying up all night watching it. You have the rest of it right?"

CandyUncle: "Of course, I do. Just send the rest of the money and I'll send you the link."

Myfavorite: "I've sent the money, so send me the rest of the video."

CandyUncle: "https://pixabay.com/photos/smarties-confectionery-sugar-candy-50838/"

After this, the exchange between the two stopped. Looking at the time stamp attached to CandyUncle's last message, Dean realized that this must be the oldest thread among the list as the time stamp attached was nearly 2 weeks old.

'Hmm, the messages between the two doesn't tell me much. It seems that they've already had other previous interactions. Luckily, CandyUncle left a link.'

"System, can you access this link?"

"The system is able to access the internet so accessing links is possible. Would the host like to access this link?"

"Please do."

After receiving Dean's confirmation, the link became highlighted in a light blue before another holographic screen popped up before Dean's eyes. It would seem that CandyUncle was extremely cautious because before they could even see the video a login screen popped up asking for a username and password. Luckily, the system enjoyed hacking so after receiving Dean's confirmation the system quickly hacked the login page and accessed the video.

Asking the system to press play, Dean was only 5 seconds into the video before he heard the agonizing wail of a woman.

"Pl-please, just take my fingers!"