The Story Untold

On Gray's laptop, the standalone network was displayed in full screen. The background of the site was set to be black, with white lettering. It was less straining on the eyes and more discreet than a normal communication website.

In the World Security Organisation Network, the users are able to create seperate discussion groups for different topics. The network guaranteed 100% privacy on the information discussed. No one was allowed to leak any topic discussed here for fear of severe repercussions.

The WSON was formed by the Major World leaders on Earth 25 years ago. It was first only created for the discussion of political topics that was of Global importance, but it slowly ventured out and recruited in the top businesses and organisations. As of today, the total net-worth of those within this network is equivalent to 50% of the world's economy. That was noteworthy for the sole fact that there were only 50000 users on WSON.

Gray entered the channel labelled "Tobion Family Group". There were only 5 people in the channel, where each of them played a significant role in their family.

The most important person, who was the main reason why their family could enter WSON in the first place, was Gray's grandfather, Byron Tobion. The man was able to turn an unknown family group into the biggest hidden powerhouse around the world. Of the three big families, only the Tobion family was kept under covers ever since they became prominent.

So how did Gray's grandfather start everything?

It all dated back to when he was a young chap, that wanted to simply created his own humble business. Byron was a genius when it came to the Stock Market. At the age of 20, within a year, he had already made himself a multimillionaire with a starting fund of $1000.

Not only that, he had an uncanny way when it came to handling businesses. Using the capital he had made from the stock market, Byron with often work with other businesses in the shadows.

He loved helping industries that were falling short on sales and implement unique yet effective strategies to increase their revenue and profits. When the industry had successfully transitioned or turnover, he would dissappear soundlessly. Never once, would he reveal himself to the major shareholders of the companies that he aided. The shareholders would always try to get more information on who this miracleworker was, but regardless, there would be no traces of him in the end.

During university, there were only four people that knew of Byron's doings. Those four were his closest friends that he met during a university camp. He stuck with them ever since. The four friends were in fact Nicholas Wake, Benjamin Ruffls, Tess Rosiah and Peng Zhi Xiang, the founders of Country Z.

To the other people in the world, these four were seen as legends, but in Byron's eyes, they were just his buddies.

What everyone didn't know was that Byron was in fact, one of the founding fathers of Country Z. Everyone was taught during history class that there were only 4 founding fathers. It was actually thanks to Byron that Country Z became the fastest growing economy in the world within a short 3 decades.

Byron was the founder behind the scenes. His vast political knowledge and business prowess allowed him to become the main brain behind the success of this country. It was Gray's grandfather that led the discussions between other big league countries and allowed them to gain a foothold in the world. It was also Byron's idea to work behind the scenes, so as to ensure his family's and his own safety.

When the major world leaders gathered for an annual meeting in 2074, Country Z had finally gained the recognition of the big leagues. Both Nicholas Wake and Gray's grandfather were invited. That year, the leaders discussed the threat on Cyber attacks and they came to a consensus that the leaders needed a safer platform to debate on other top secret plans for their country.

Everyone agreed that this isolated network was necessary and so the World Security Organisation was founded in 2075 and they had created their very own standalone network for the world leaders to discuss in. Both Byron and Nicholas were given access at the start as they were the spokeperson and representative for Country Z.

Everything went smoothly for the next couple of years. Their country, formed by the five close friends prospered. Until the start of 2080, that was when everything went downhill. Byron had started to draft out plans to cooperate with their greatest competing country, N. He had formulated an ingenious plan to work in tandem with their neighbouring country on the productions of certain projects.

Howbeit, Nicholas disagreed with his actions. Nicholas wanted sole possession of the projects and thought that cooperation with Country N would only slow down their economic growth. The two fought over this issue for a whole night, before Byron called it quits! The man who worked under sheets for 3 decades left his prized achievement, his baby, to his best friend's ordinance.

That was how history went down. Nicholas went through the dark tunnel of uncertainty alone, without aid from Byron. His other friends weren't able to help him much as they weren't specialised in that field.

Byron, on the other hand, had left together with his wife, for Country Y. He went to stay at his son, Alex's home. Alex's wife, Melanie was from the already prestigious Hanlon family. There at Y, with his newfound time, Byron personally taught his eldest son, Alex Tobion his tactics for the business world. He wanted to make his son, that was going to take over the Family name, become an even more terrifying man.

Through Byron's and Alex's efforts, the Tobion family had seized majority shares in multitudes of large industry companies in the world.