| Chapter Nine

Before I could respond and pull some dress the door burst open. A powerful man dressed in an Armani suit came in. He stared at the dead body on the floor, the messy blood that splattered around the bed and my sorry figure. I hold the gun, but he didn't even raise his hands. There was no sign of fear written on his face, as if he wasn't a bit intimidated by me.

He went inside and closed the door, even locked it for sure. He walked closer and closer and I readied the gun, I held on with the trigger.

"Who are you?" I asked, but he did not respond

I don't know where the bullet came but it hit my leg, loosening my grip on the gun. He immediately jumped on me and throw the gun, not bothering whether his clothes are stained with blood. Not one bit did he feel disgusted with me showered with blood.

He restrained my hands and pulled cuffs from his pocket. I wriggled my way out, but it seems so impossible. He cuffed me on the bed, I tried to wrestle and kick him, but to no avail he tied ropes on my feet. He tied me with the same ropes, yet he made sure my legs were open, connecting each to both corners of the bed.

"This isn't Fifty Shades of Grey! Release me!" I shouted

But his face remained stoic. Instead he removed the expensive garments that he's wearing and put it neatly on the side. He even disregard the unpleasant body of General Xia.

He put himself on top of me.

"Get off of me!"

"Little kitten, it seems like you're still wet--" then he rubbed his manhood on my entrance

"So wet... was he good?" He said as he inserted his full length in me in one go, and I wailed as pain engulfed my walls, the bastard tore my hymen!

"Ohh, little kitty killed that stupid fellow before he could taste you" then he pinched my nipples

"I'd make sure to bring you to heaven" he whispered as I struggle from his beastly hold.