Old Friends

Jerry's hands tightened into fists. He had no idea why they had Jenny in captivity, but he didn't care.

He had to save her!

He skillfully climbed to a higher vantage point, peeking downwards at the large garage complex. He began to hatch a rescue plan.

There are so many guards, what if there was a distraction? Jerry pondered about it a little longer. As he sat there pondering, he heard a shuffling sound near him. Like a phantom, he maneuvered closer to the sound.

In a flash, a leg kicked out from the darkness around him. Jerry quickly caught the leg and bent it downwards. The attacker instantly used the leg they kicked out as a fulcrum to a spinning kick with the other leg. As the leg neared Jerry's head, he jerked his head backwards and caught that with his other hand. He pushed the legs away in a spiral motion, and the figure flew backwards. Spinning sideways in midair, the figure miraculously landed on two legs elegantly.

Jerry had pushed them out into the dim light of the parking lot. He could see that they dressed in all black in something resembling a ninja's outfit. Their face was covered so he couldn't discern their identity. Two fierce eyes stared back at him.

Jerry was confused, why was there a person up here? They seemed a little different from those weird men in suits.

He didn't have much time to think however, because the figure lunged at him again. They faked a kick to the head but then rolled in a tight ball, flipping forward, delivering a swift sweep kick.

Jerry fell for the feint and got swept off his feet. He reacted quickly, landing in a pushup position.

The figure followed up with an additional sweep kick. Jerry hopped in the pushup position, successfully dodging the drop kick. He got up again, shaking his head. Almost lost right there. I should be more careful. This person definitely has had more experience than me.

He rolled his sleeves up and got in a wing chun martial pose. The figure's eyes seemed to be belittling his stance. They threw out a fast punch.

Dodging the punch casually, Jerry masterfully gripped the figure's arm. He bent it inwards, before swiftly sending a palm into the stomach. He then bent the arm behind the figure's back and delivered a lightning fast chop to the neck. The figure's eyes widened from shock and from the impact. Everything has happened so fast. Jerry had knocked the wind out of the attacker and knocked them out in less than a second. Their eyes showed a weak struggle before gradually closing. They had lost consciousness.

Time to reveal who's behind the mask. Jerry lay the attacker on the ground and tugged at the black fabric covering the person's face. Behind the black fabric was a thin, transparent, veil. He took that off too since it was making things difficult to see. It was already hard to see since it was so dark. The transparent veil revealed a beautiful face of a girl. She seemed to be Jerry's age. Her eyelashes were long and pretty, her lips were like ripe cherries, her nose cute and symmetrical, and her skin was pale and fair.

Jerry's discovery made his eyes nearly pop out of his head.

Holy shit! What's a beauty doing in a vacant place like this? And why does she know such good martial arts?

Various questions came up in his head. He decided to hold off his worries until later. After all, Jenny was still in the hands of those weird guys.

He took the beautiful girl and placed her in a dark corner. He sighed. He hoped this was a misunderstanding. He would hate to have to beat up a beauty. But he knew looks could hide a lot more than just an ugly heart.

He disappeared in the darkness again.


A business suit lackey was on patrol at one of the higher levels of the parking lot when he noticed something glowing dimly in the distance.

Jerry had started a fire in a nearby junkyard. Right after he started it, he disappeared, heading quickly back into the parking garage. A few minutes later, the fire became a huge inferno that threatened to swallow the junkyard whole.


A single business suit lackey stood guard in front of a small office door. He looked young and rebellious, a tattoo of the head of a phoenix could be seen poking from the back of his neck. Occasionally, he would steal glances at the hostage through the office window. Like every other hormonal young boy, he couldn't help getting excited with a beautiful girl helplessly tied up right next to him.

His eyes would occasionally look through the window to look at the girl's figure. His eyes scanned her slender arms bound tightly behind her back... her perky chest… her slim waist… her smooth legs covered in transparent silk stockings. Tears on her white long sleeve shirt and her black pencil skirt hinted at a struggle when she had been taken. One of her high heels was missing, the other one lay beside her. Her expression now peaceful and innocent, even with the white cleave gag covering her face.

All of the staring yet he didn't dare do anything. The boss's orders were not to touch the hostage. So he didn't. He knew if he disobeyed, he would die a horrible death. He was lustful, but not stupid enough to risk his own life.

As the lackey stared at her, he failed to notice a black streak headed straight towards him. In a single moment, the lackey was knocked unconscious and hanging off the side of the parking lot.

Jerry's silhouette appeared before. He didn't even have time to untie her. He held Jenny by her waist and began crazily sprinting off into the darkness.

Jenny's long eyelashes fluttered. She could tell that she had been bound tightly from head to toe, recalling the series of events before being captured.

She had just left a college dinner party, when a black van pulled up and grabbed her. Her struggle was futile and only lead to her losing a shoe. She heard the door opening. A familiar figure stood there for a moment, before rushing to grab her. He held her by the waist with one arm and opened back up the door with the other arm.

As the figure brought her away. He suddenly spoke up. "It's been a while Jenny. I didn't expect to meet you like this."

Jenny opened her eyes, surprised that he knew she was awake, or who she was.

"Don't be so concerned about it, you were never good at peeking anyways." the figure smiled as he looked back towards an inferno that lit up the entire junkyard. The bright fire illuminated his face before he looked back. Jenny gasped inwardly, her blush was hard to see in the darkness.


"Who else? Don't worry, I'll get you out of here. We're almost to my car."

They arrived at a pile of shrubs, Jerry hurriedly threw all of the branches away, revealing a dull gray car.

Jenny felt relieved inwardly as he placed her inside his car, he put on her seatbelt and hopped into the driver's seat.

"Let's get out of here." The car went in reverse before heading out to the mainroad. Jerry waited until he reached the main road to turn on his headlights.

Jenny began to feel the exhaustion from struggling so much against her captors. Feeling safe at last inside Jerry's car, even though she was tightly bound, she let the subtle vibration of the car lull her to sleep.

The Rolex man watched the fire burn. He had sent out the guards to check out the fire but nothing came out of it.

One lackey came forward and bowed before speaking, "Boss, our hostage has gone missing just like you predicted." He shivered as he felt an invisible pressure press onto him from all around him. The pressure only seemed to be examining him harmlessly, but the lackey had witnessed others act out and be crushed by the same harmless pressure in an instant.

"It's fine, we already have what we need." A deep voice resounded through the parking lot. The Rolex man no longer spoke. He gestured for the lackeys to pack up and leave. They needed to leave before the fire attracted the authorities. As all the black cars left, the sound of sirens became louder and louder.


Jenny woke up in a familiar environment. She lay on a brown sofa sitting in the middle of a spacious living room. A T.V. was mounted on the wall in front of the sofa. Memories of her childhood in this room flooded her head. She remembered 10 years ago, she was in a similar situation that she was in now, tied up in Jerry's living room.

Jerry had just carried her in the house and on his couch when she woke up. He soon returned with a pair of scissors.

"Did you have a nice nap?" Jerry started by taking off her cleave gag, revealing her soft cherry lips. He held up a water bottle. "Do you want water first, or would you like me to untie you?"

Jenny smiled teasingly, "It's not like I haven't been tied up at your house before." Her small lips opened, waiting for water. It was Jerry's turn to blush. He softly held her with one arm while feeding her water with the other. Now that they were away from danger, he became more aware of what was in front of him. Her citrus shampoo fragrance drifted towards him, making him stiff up. He realized Jenny was a girl-girl now. She had a smooth and pale complexion, her nose was round and cute. Her body had contours and curves now, her chest had gotten bigger, and her legs were long and beautiful. She had truly become a striking Asian beauty.

Jenny noticed Jerry's stiff look and thought it would be funny to tease him more. She smiled lightly as she leaned onto his shoulder for support, closing her eyes. She fidgeted slightly, rubbing her bound arms deeper in his embrace.

Jerry became a statue. The heck? He was supposed to untie her after giving her water but now she was falling back to sleep? His arm was starting to fall asleep and he didn't want to wake her up. She even began snuggling in his arms. He could feel a fire light up in his abdomen.

Go out, fire! Go away! No matter what he did, he began thinking of doing things with her. His primal urges got stronger and stronger, trying to corrupt his reason.

Jenny had a sly smile as she looked up from his chest. "Well, aren't you going to untie me now?" She could feel his body trembling as she laughed inwardly.

"Y-You. " Jerry was speechless. He began blushing profusely.

Alright. Gritting his teeth, he pushed himself onto her bound, helpless body. Jenny let out a surprised squeal as he hovered over her. Their faces were close to each other, to the point where they could hear each other's soft panting. Jerry whispered as he looked into her eyes, the fire in his abdomen burning hot.

"You think I won't have my way with you right here, right now?"

Their eyes met.

His gaze was fierce, and even more intense than the fire at the parking lot. Jenny felt her heart beating faster and faster the longer they made eye contact. Her face was dripping with red as she nervously bit her lip. The blush, made look even more beautiful.

Jerry laughed seeing Jenny blush. Grabbing the scissors, he released Jenny from the ropes. Rubbing her wrists, she pouted cutely, pretending to be angry at him for teasing her.

Then Jerry remembered the Rolex man. His expression became solemn, thinking about how they captured Jenny in the first place.



"Do you know any reason why those guys would go after you?" He was worried if he took her home, they would try and kidnap her again.

Jenny went silent. Her expression was extremely complicated as she realized something.

"What is it?" Jerry questioned.

"Well, a few years ago… Father died. He left our family with a huge house, and lots of money."

An image of Jenny's dad popped into his head. Back then, he looked young and valiant, he was only in his mid-twenties. He had short spiky hair and a neat beard that Jerry always liked to touch as a kid. Never did Jerry think that that Mr. Li would die so young.

Jenny continued on, "Shortly after his funeral, out of nowhere, people barged into our house claiming to be debt collectors. Apparently, father had owed a lot of money overseas and we were forced to give up our wealth." Jenny traced the tears in the pencil skirt, her eyes beginning to water. "This was my last good outfit. We had to move out of the mansion and live in a humble apartment. Me and my mom both do part time jobs now just to pay the monthly rent. The problem was, we were never able to pay off the original money from the debt collectors. Every two weeks, they'd break into our house, and beat us, demanding money My mom is dragged out and beaten until her back turned purple She always tried to shield me from attacks. Now she's in the hospital, bedridden for life." Tears began to fall onto her skirt. She lifted her shirt, revealing bruise marks on her side. "We've tried our best to pay the debts, but the interest just keeps building up."

Jerry was silent. He had always seen Jenny at school, learning, doing extracurricular activities. He thought she had it all. The truth was much darker.

"You think that maybe those debt collectors were trying to sell you off?" Jerry's voice trembled.

Jenny hugged her legs, her knees covering her face as she shivered, "I don't know."

Jerry's trembling hands clenched into fists. He had never heard of such horrible people before. Perhaps it was due to his lack of experience in the outside world. For the first time, he found himself involved with something that he never believe that people were capable of doing.

"Come here, you." He sat down next to Jenny and pulled her into his embrace.

"From now on, let me know when these things happen. I can't promise that I can resolve them, but I will do my best to protect you and your mom."

"No, you absolutely can't get involved with those debt collectors, their people will come after you too!"

"This is my choice to be involved. You know I won't change my mind." Jerry's expression became determined.

Jenny looked at him in disbelief. His eyes were a soft brown, yet the hint of gold gave off a fierceness that only Alicia and her knew of. She knew he wouldn't change his mind once he made a decision. The only thing she could do now was be by his side when the time comes for him to take action.

She felt his skinny arms around her. To her, they were to most reliable and solid arms in the whole wide world. She felt the warmth of his body, and wanted to be closer to it. His body also gave off a unique feeling. She felt like his aura was much cleaner and pleasant to be around than with other boys. She looked up at his face and smiled at him cutely. Jerry didn't notice because he was so nervous and stiff. He awkwardly stared at the ceiling as he felt her soft body, her womanly scent wafted into his nostrils. When he finally looked at her face, he saw her wrinkle her nose cutely as her eyes were closed. Soon enough, she had fallen asleep in his arms.

All of this craziness had made him sleepy as well. Forgetting about the sensation of Jenny's head on his chest, he drifted to sleep.