Surgery for Bella (61)

♡♡♡◇◇◇♡♡♡ THE WATER OF LIFE cont.

By and by, when they were alone in the wood, the Huntsman seemed so sad that the Prince asked him what ailed him.

The Huntsman replied, "I cannot and yet must tell you."

"Tell me boldly what it is," said the Prince, "I will forgive you."

"Ah, it is no other than that I must shoot you, for so has the King ordered me," said the Huntsman, with a deep sigh.

The Prince was frightened, and said, "Let me live, dear Huntsman, let me live! I will give you my royal coat and you shall give me yours in exchange."

To this the Huntsman readily assented, for he felt unable to shoot the Prince, and after they had exchanged their clothing the Huntsman returned home, and the Prince went deeper into the wood.

A short time afterward three wagons laden with gold and precious stones came to the King's palace for his youngest Son.

They were sent by the three Kings in token of gratitude for the sword which had defeated their enemies, and the bread which had nourished their people. At this arrival the old King said to himself, "Perhaps, after all, my Son was guiltless," and he lamented to his courtiers that he had let his Son be killed.

But the Huntsman cried out, "He lives yet! for I could not find it in my heart to fulfil your commands"; and he told the King how it had happened.

The King felt as if a stone had been removed from his heart, and he caused it to be proclaimed everywhere throughout his dominions that his Son might return and would again be taken into favor.

Meanwhile the Princess had caused a road to be made up to her castle of pure shining gold, and she told her attendants that whoever should ride straight up this road would be the right person, and one whom they might admit into the castle; but, on the contrary, whoever should ride up not on the road, but by the side, they were ordered on no account to admit, for he was not the right person.


Zane read into the night to keep his beauty company soon it was time for her to go into the operating room.

Bella family waited with him, in the family room, waiting for news of how it went.


Bella walked through a wooded area wondering where she was at.

"Hello, anyone around?" she called out.

'Where is everyone and how did she get here?' she thought.

As she walked farther into wood it became darker and darker. In the distance there was a castle.

It was dark and gloomy and she was frightened as she got closer.

Knock... Knock... Knock

the door slowly opened but nobody was there.

"Hello" she calls out.

She walked in and before she could turn around the door slammed shut.

She walked to an open room and there was a table with lots of good food prepared.

"Do you mind if I eat something, I am really hungry?" She looked around and when nobody said anything she sat down and ate.

After she was full she walked around calling out to anyone but she found the Castle empty of life.

In a big room she discovered glass roses and as she reached out to touch one it shattered into pieces.

"WHO IS DISTURBING MY ROSE GARDEN??" a voice yells out.

Bella started crying at the sound of the loud harsh voice.


"I did not mean to. I am sorry how can I make it up to you?" Bella cried

Soon the room became pitch black nothing could be seen. It became colder and colder and she just felt that she would die.


The Doctor was optimistic about Bella outcome, the surgery went well. Now it was a waiting game. Zane was beside himself as he waited for her to get out of the recovery room.

He could not lose his love, not now. Mary Ann had brought him a change of cloths and his laptop but right now he could do nothing but wait.

Finally after two hours in recovery they took her back to her room.

Zane's heart broke as he seen her there pale and on a breathing machine.

"Why is she like this." Betty asked.

"Her brain needs to heal a little so to help her it's easier to have her on a breather right now. Her brain activity is good and as soon as she wakes up we will take her off it. Talk to her and try to stimulate her thought process." The nurse checking Bella over said.

Everyone took a seat in the room and tried there best to carry a conversation on that included Bella but it was hard.

"Why don't you read to her Zane. She said she loved listening to your voice." Ben suggested.

Zane opened her book.

♡♡♡◇◇◇♡♡♡ THE WATER OF LIFE cont.

When, therefore, the time came round which the Princess had mentioned to the youngest Prince, the eldest Brother thought he would hasten to her castle and announce himself as her deliverer, that he might gain her as a bride and the kingdom besides.

So he rode away, and when he came in front of the castle and saw the fine golden road he thought it would be a shame to ride thereon, and so he turned to the left hand and rode up out of the road.

But as he came up to the door the guards told him he was not the right person, and he must ride back again.

Soon afterward the second Prince also set out, and he, likewise, when he came to the golden road and his horse set its forefeet upon it, thought it would be a pity to travel upon it, so he turned aside to the right hand and went up.

When he came to the gate the guards refused him admittance, and told him he was not the person expected, and so he had to return homeward.

The youngest Prince, who had all this time been wandering about in the forest, had also remembered that the year was up, and soon after his Brothers' departure he appeared before the castle and rode up straight on the golden road, for he was so deeply engaged in thinking of his beloved Princess that he did not observe it.

As soon as he arrived at the door it was opened, and the Princess received him with joy, saving he was her deliverer and the lord of her dominions.

Soon after their wedding was celebrated, and when it was over the Princess told her husband that his Father had forgiven him and desired to see him.

Thereupon he rode to the old King's palace, and told him how his Brothers had betrayed him while he slept, and had sworn him to silence.

When the King heard this he would have punished the false Brothers, but they had prudently taken themselves off in a ship, and they never returned home afterward.