Problems arise (69)

A few days had passed and Zane was not looking forward to the board meeting. He knew that for a while he would be to busy to be with Bella.

He also had to make time for the proposal Betty was setting up. He would not let anything stop him this time.

The board was happy that Zane had agreed to come back and he sat there with his new assistant Josh.

Josh Gillman was a young man but very OCD about his job. Mary Ann had hit the nail on the head in recommending him as her replacement. He was short at 5 foot 2 and very thin. He had a girlish look to his face which attracted many of the female workers but he gave them no look.

Zane moved back into his office and got busy looking over all the reports given to him. He found many problems. One was with the Accounting department.

"Mary Ann, could I borrow your best Account to do an audit on the books over here?" Zane asked over the phone.

"Sure, When do you want him?" She asked.

"Tommarow please. I'll have Josh help him. These books have gone to hell since I've been gone."

After he caught Mary Ann up on what he has found out so far; he then called Josh into the office.

"Tommarow Mary Ann is sending over her best accountant and I want you two to audit the books here. I know it will take you a few days." Zane said.

"Sir, it will take a few weeks. I was just looking at the number of projects this company has. 23 going on now and 8 in the works. With just two people and one of them not an accountant, I figure it will take us about 2 weeks to go through all the books." Josh stated.

"Then so be it. Just do your best." Zane said.

"Ok, who will I be working with?" Josh asked.

"Not sure, I just told her to send someone and have them ask for you in the morning." Zane said picking up a document to read.

"Ok, anything else?" Josh asked.

"Yes, order dinner for the both us of us. It's going to be a late night." Zane then went back to work.


Bella had classes today and she was tired. She knew Zane would not be home till late so she stopped by to see her family. Ben was cooking lasagna.

"Can I help?" Bella asked.

"Hey, Tinkerbell make a salad." Ben smiled.

"So what's new?" Bella asked as she got the vegetables out of the frig.

"Well... Bert and I are working for Mary Ann at Cœur Société now." Ben said.

"I knew that." Bella laughed.

"Oh... for a few days I will be auditing Puissance Entreprise accounts for your boyfriend." Ben said.

"I did not know that. Why?" Bella asked.

"Mary Ann said Zane found some problems and needed an outsider to do an audit." He said mixing up a dressing for the salad.

He then took the garlic bread out of the oven. Soon everyone was home eating and catching up. After dinner Bella asked to speak to her father alone.

"Dad, the other day I seen you out with Mary Ann. Can you tell me about it?" She asked.

"Bella, I was going to tell you about it soon but since you asked I've been seeing her. Does this bother you?" He nervously said.

"Dad, I think it is great. You deserve to do something for yourself. She is a nice caring woman too." She said kissing her father on the cheek.

"Thank you Bella, To tell you the truth I was a little scared you would be upset. I know how you loved your mother." He said hugging her.

"Dad no one can replace mom but that doesn't mean you have to be a lone and have no one in your life. Each person we love is different. I wish you happiness and if you ever decide to get married to whoever I will be happy for you." Bella said.

When Bella said goodbye and was being driven home by the bodyguard she finished her story.

◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇◇ BRIAR ROSE cont.

A year after, when the Queen brought her first-born into the world, the old woman took him away. Then she went to the King and complained that the Queen was a murderess.

The King, however, would not believe it, and suffered no one to do any injury to his wife, who sat composedly sewing at her shirts and paying attention to nothing else.

When a second child was born, the false stepmother used the same deceit, but the King again would not listen to her words, saying, "She is too pious and good to act so; could she but speak and defend herself, her innocence would come to light."

But when again, the old woman stole away the third child, and then accused the Queen, who answered not a word to the accusation, the King was obliged to give her up to be tried, and she was condemned to suffer death by fire.

When the time had elapsed, and the sentence was to be carried out, it happened that the very day had come round when her dear brothers should be set free; the six shirts were also ready, all but the last, which yet wanted the left sleeve.

As she was led to the scaffold, she placed the shirts upon her arm, and just as she had mounted it, and the fire was about to be kindled, she looked around, and saw six Swans come flying through the air.

Her heart leapt for joy as she perceived her deliverers approaching, and soon the Swans, flying towards her, alighted so near that she was enabled to throw over them the shirts, and as soon as she had done so, their feathers fell off and the brothers stood up alive and well; but the youngest was without his left arm, instead of which he had a swan's wing.

They embraced and kissed each other, and the Queen, going to the King, who was thunderstruck, began to say, "Now may I speak, my dear husband, and prove to you that I am innocent and falsely accused;" and then she told him how the wicked woman had stolen away and hidden her three children.

When she had concluded, the King was overcome with joy, and the wicked stepmother was led to the scaffold and bound to the stake and burnt to ashes.

The King and Queen for ever after lived in peace and prosperity with their six brothers.