Chapter 1 Dangerous Crossing Identity

"Wake up!", the fearful and anxious male voice rang in the ear of Luo Lin, awakening him from the boundless darkness.

"Hey...what is this place?", slowly opening his eyes, Luo Lin found his head a little dizzy, just like playing sleepless for weeks, the soul of the soul is not as tired as the line.

"Great, young master, you are not dead!!"

Before he could see the surroundings, he found himself being caught in his arms.

The rough leather touch made him subconsciously push away from each other. A leather armor was covered with blood and mud. His body was tall and strong, and he had a rough face and gray hair. He was looking at himself with concern.


Luo Lin dared that he did not know each other, just thinking about what he asked, but found a tingling in the brain that made him faint again.

I don't know how long it will take. When he regains his mind, he understands that he 'traversed' because he has another memory fragment of the same name in his mind. He understands a lot of things, such as the body owner's past, and why it appears. it's here.

At this time, his situation was very bad, because he led some recruits to participate in the war between the kingdom and the rocky beasts in the north.

However, I did not think that in this war, the orcs who never used 'tactics' would use the enemies to go deep into the tactics, introduce the tens of thousands of troops of the kingdom into the northern rock fields, and also have a terrorist enemy, defeating the kingdom army in one fell swoop, even the king. Aachen IV died on the spot.

I passed through this body and was killed by the orc when the army was defeated. This brawny stayed in the camp to take care of the trophy attendants, so he ventured to find him.

"Tev, we can't escape along the road, or we will encounter the orc army, advanced forest!", after a little sort of memory debris, Luo Lin said to the fast-running Taifu.

It is very happy to accept him quickly and even faintly. After all, there are no relatives before the crossing, plus the lower body, which is new to him rather than punishment.

"You are awakened when you are young!", and when he heard the sound from the back, Tiffin turned around and asked.

"Yeah!" Luo Lin snorted.

Although the other side is physically strong, unfortunately because of the barbarians' bloodline, there is a flaw in intelligence, otherwise it will not be stupid to save him, but fortunately, he may just queue up to buy a new one. Crossing the ticket.

Taifu happily carried him to the side of the woods and rushed in.

Before entering the woods, Luo Lin turned his head and glanced at the back of the film, which was already dyed into a bright red plain by countless humans and other biological bodies and blood.

In the woods.

Tiff's tall and strong body is rampant like an armored car. It will block the front vines, roots and bushes. Some of them have spiked canes across his body. They don't even cut through the exposed skin, showing how much his skin is. Thick, this is the blood of the barbarian, but unfortunately because of IQ reasons, it is definitely the best soldier candidate.

"It's just that the original road will not work. Where do you want to get the map?" Luo Lin thought and thought on the back of Taifu.

After the victory of the orc army, if you dare to go back to the country to find death, you can detour from other places, the map is a problem, the world can be without navigation.

After a while, the speed of Taifu slowed down. After all, the advancement in the woods was no better than other places, plus a person carrying it, so the gasping was heavy, and there was a short distance from the boulevard.

"We are here to rest first!", and Rolin noticed that he was carrying his own Taif state, so he whispered.

"Okay, Master Rolin!", Teve slowly placed him under a leafy tree.

Luo Lin carefully held the tree with his hand and stood still. In addition to the game, he had not stood up for too long, so even how to walk with his legs was blurred. If he did not cross, he might never have Stand up and take the opportunity.

"Are you okay?", Tiff, who was breathing, looked at him with a worried look.

Luo Lin smiled and shook his head. He could only take a wheelchair in the past ten years. It was completely a scene that made him dare not think about nightmares. Now the nightmare finally woke up, how could his mood be bad.

Just talking while he feels that his legs are a little soft, he said after regaining his position:

"We will take a break here and go back to the battlefield at night!" The

reason why I just fled was because I was afraid of meeting the orc army, but at night. I have to leave the forest and go back.

Knowing from the memory fragments, this world forest is not gentle.

Mosquitoes, beasts, poisons, World of Warcraft...exquisite, light is enough to kill people, plus they have nothing but clothing, it is impossible to live in the forest, so you must find a way to get something. And the most promising place, of course, is the battlefield filled with a lot of bodies.

"Okay, Master Rolin!", Taif should lie down and rest after a sigh of relief. It is not unhelpful to have a simple mind. At the very least, it will not be as clear as a wise man.

At this time, at the end of the autumn, the kingdom launched a counter-attack war and selected it after the harvest of the crops. Otherwise, the loss is absolutely no less than the failure of the war.

The temperature in the air is still a little cold, so that the body is only wearing the inner lining. Luo Lin, who has an old damaged leather armor, feels a chill. Unfortunately, he does not have a fire-fighting tool, can't fire to remove the chill, and can only slowly move the body. To maintain the temperature, but he also has to get used to the legs that he can move back.

Time passed slowly, and it was dark after a long time.

"It's time to go!", feeling the time is almost the same, Luo Lin around walking around wake up lying on the grass and sleep well, the two slowly returning to the battlefield along the road.

It didn't take long!

The two came to the edge of a jungle a few tens of meters from the battlefield, and the probe looked ahead.

I saw a green skin goblin who was working on a torch with a torch on the battlefield.

These short stature, pointed ears and eagle hook noses, the non-clothing humanoid monsters did not carry weapons, just dragged a bag to clean the battlefield, and smashed anything on the corpse into the bag.


looking at it for a while, Luo Lin said that even if he was kneeling, he would whisper a little more than himself. "There is no guard at the car, we go there to find something!".

When I was looking at it, he found that there was no guard at the caravan not far away, so he made this decision. If he did not get the map and other supplies now, they would not have the chance to flee to the kingdom, but in the wild, when they were mountain people, They can't hold much time in the

northern rock!

This is the northern region of Komir, a loose force composed of orcs, goblins, gnolls, and evil humans.

Every invasion will bring death and destruction to the kingdom of Cormyr, so the kingdom will gather the army to fight back. The former owner of Luo Lin's body is to participate in this feast that everyone thinks it is a salvation. But I did not expect to gather the elite and most elite troops. The army of the less nobles and private soldiers ushered in a fiasco and gave him the opportunity to cross.

The two figures were covered by the night, and soon they touched the gray curved felt cloth car, and the horses all gathered in other places to eat and rest.

The items in the caravan were all the things of the kingdom before the morning, but now they have all become enemy spoils.

A tingling scent of blood rushes, giving people the urge to lick their noses.

There are a lot of damaged or complete weapons, equipment, and clothing in the carriage. Anyway, as long as they can pick up things from the body, these fines will not let go. For the northern rock forces that only know the plunder and kill, there is nothing. Not required.

It's just because you've gotten down from the body, you'll have such a strong bloody smell, even if you can't disperse for most of the afternoon.

"Teve, we are looking for a split, the main goal is the map!", Luo Lin whispered.

"But I can't read!", Taifu replied in a whisper.

For barbarians, it is completely impossible to distinguish between maps and other things than to let them challenge the dragons. After all, the success stories of the latter's dragons are still a little bit, but the savvy barbarians have never heard of them. .

At this time, Luo Lin also wanted to add up to the other party's illiterate. Who asked him to receive the memory fragments instead of the complete memory, so he could only say:

"Then you can find something to take with you!"

"Good", when you don't have to look for a map, the expression of Taifu will return to normal. This task can be much simpler.

The two began to split up. After all, each compartment was separated by some distance. It is only this way to improve efficiency.