Chapter 5: The Werewolf Chasing

After bypassing the bushes, Luo Lin discovered that there was a map on the mud with branches, so they followed them down.

"We want to get rid of this boulevard from the dangerous rock, but also from the Thunder Canyon, although it is not far from the road, but there may be orc garrisons there...", Yalusaier said their current situation .

Looking at the map on the ground, a few people fell into deep thought, but instead, Luo Lin carefully looked at Yalusai, wanting to know how strong her strength, I feel that the identity is so special, how to have silver power.

"I feel that even if I want to use more here, it is useless. It is better to divide the soldiers into three ways. One person will explore the orc army's movements and see if there is any possibility to go back from the main road. If there is any orc to station in the Thunder Canyon, after all, it is only your Highness. Guess, the rest of the people I think...!"

Guess guessed the strength of the other side, Luo Lin subconsciously came up with an idea.

Only half said that he suddenly wakes up and shuts up, only to think of here is not the sword of the soul, he is no longer the commander of the invincible army, the two are not NPC and players, but the true aristocratic son and princess, rashly The opening does not necessarily mean a good thing.

Yalusai, who was listening to God, found that Luo Lin suddenly shut up and said that he looked up at him with doubts.

The other two Zilong warriors also followed, it seems that they are only the lowest level of the Zilong Legion, and they have not been trained in tactical courses, so they can only serve as listeners.

As for Taifu, he has been in a daze, and his heart does not know where it is.

Feeling the three eyes, Luo Lin was sent to come and suddenly shut up his mouth is really too abrupt, so he can only continue to say down to the scalp:

"The rest of the people can find ways to gather the defeated troops, regardless of the attacking Thunder Canyon or It's much easier to find a way to kill it from the road!".

In a war, especially in the cold weapon era, more than three achievements in the battlefield have been determined.

If the death of 30% does not collapse the troops, it can be said that the core trump card army, of course, there is no morale. The army also said that the whole army will not retreat, so war casualties are more likely to be pursued.

The northern rocky side has no crushing advantage in maneuverability, which means there must be a lot of collapses around the army. If you gather these troops, don't say that you can get thundering the canyon back to the kingdom, even if you go back from behind the other side. Not without hope.

After listening to this third suggestion, several people involuntarily looked at him with amazement.

If anyone in the first two suggestions thinks of it, the third suggestion is absolutely unexpected. At this time, everyone is thinking about going back to China, and then they will think of spending their minds to gather and defeat the soldiers.

If you think about it carefully, you know that this proposal is very practical. These squadrons are indeed the fastest way to enhance your strength. If you have the strength, even if there are orcs in the Thunder Canyon, there will be a chance to kill them.

Yalusaier once again carefully looked at Luo Lin, thin and slender, with short black hair and pupils. He had a feeling of being completely different from other people. He had some interest in him and just wanted to ask.


In the distance, the branches were lightly ringing, and the five people subconsciously opened the side of the bushes and looked at the direction of the sound.


A headed jackalman slowly searched from a hundred meters away, because it is close to the avenue area, the trees are not too dense to see clearly, otherwise the forest can see a dozen meters is not bad, the dense place has a few meters of vision.

These stunned green erects radiate fierce radiance and look around. There are pieces of fingertip-sized brown spots on the pale yellow body hair. From the top of the head to the awning tail, there is a gray-black mane running through the waist. Unknown animal fur, hand-handed axe and small round shield, with bows and arrows on the back.

Just different from ordinary orcs, the Gnoll search force did not make a sound exchange, but also maintained a formation search, like the group of wolves that are hunting.

In terms of light combat power, the scorpio is definitely not the strongest of the orcs. If you want to talk about the most ferocious and flexible races, the gnolls will definitely be ranked in the top three. Of course, the single pair will be counted.

An orc warrior can defeat a gnoll, but a group of orcs is definitely not a team of scorpio opponents, and the flexibility is more than most orcs. The scorpio is indeed the best choice for the pursuit of the pursuit.

Luo Lin is of course no stranger to the gnoll. Although it is not as familiar as the goblin, but it is not without dealing with it, and immediately understand that the other side is tracking the Yalusai, for the northern rock forces, there is no more than a kingdom. The princess is better chip and hostage.

"Is there anything in your body that can cover up the smell?", Luo Lin tried to keep the voice down, and the wolf's sense of smell is not weak. Although there is no real wolf, but at least the majority of the race is strong, no more than the blood of the barbarian. Taifu is weak.

"No!", the three shook their heads at the same time.

Yesterday, if they were not the most elite guards of the Purple Dragon Army led by Aachen IV, they could not escape. There was time to cover up the smell.

Luo Lin hinted:

"The wolf's sense of smell is very sharp!"

When he spoke, he also glanced at the chest of Yalusai... It was dyed red bandage by the blood, and the bloody smell came from there, but if it didn't solve the problem, There is no way to escape.

What people just don't understand is that the other party is known as the steel princess, and it seems that there is not much to know about these things.

"It turned out that because of this, no wonder the other party can chase us behind!", Luca suddenly realized.

When I heard that the three people didn't have anything to cover up, Luo Lin suggested after a short pause:

"I think everyone is better off running away, so the chase will follow!"

This proposal is like the fact that he and Teve are using life to lead others in pursuit, but in fact they are the opposite.

The goal of the gnoll is Yalusai, and if she has a strong bloody smell, she will run away separately. These gnolls have a higher chance of chasing them. I don't have to guess. I only know each other and the other party is not good enough. It is because of the identity of the other party, regardless of life and death.

But who knows that Yalusaier is firmly opposed to the tone:

"No, so you guys are too dangerous, or follow me, Luca and Cather, you go to scout the Orc army and the Thunder Canyon, and then join in the previous place. !".

'...', Luo Lin's face suddenly froze. He didn't know whether the other person saw his intentions or didn't see through it. It's not a time to argue now. Although the speed of the search for the jackals is not fast, they are getting closer and closer to them. .


What can he do? He is also desperate. The title of the other steel princess knows that it should be the kind of sofa decisive figure, but now how to look like it is like a silly white sweet rhythm.

The five men slowly retreated and left, not too far away, Luca and Kaiser fled separately, and deliberately made some noise.

The half-squadron, the squadron, who was smothering the smell and searching for the progress, heard the sudden movement, the ears were all erected, and then the subconscious was rushing toward the sound.

Just lift a paw and let the surrounding gnolls rush out of the body and stop.

The claw is a head wearing a helmet, wearing a heavy armor, the body is bigger than other gnolls, a one-eyed scorpion leader.

After stopping the pursuit of the subordinates, the leader of the gnoll was careful to step forward and squat down. He grabbed a piece of soil with his claws and put it on the nose to close his eyes and sniff. If you look closely, you will find that some of these soils are not easily visible to the naked eye. Seeing the blood, it was the blood left in the wound when Yalusai rested last night.

The other wolves watched the leader in silence. The werewolf was a very obedient race. Even if the enemy was strong, he would dare to attack.

After a while, the gnoll leader's one-eyed stunned and then pointed forward with his claws.

The surrounding wolves received orders, all screaming in the direction of the leader, as a group of hunting wolves.

If you look from the sky above the forest, you will find that these gnolls are chasing the direction. It is not that Luca and Cather deliberately make a sound escape direction, but instead, the three of them run away.