Chapter 20: Collectors

Looking at this from the front of the cavalry crossed the squad, especially by men hugged, Taif surprised and said:

"That's not Baron adults do, but who can hurt him, it will not be the elves!"

As the Lord with wood Phil Fa, of course, will be recognized by the residents. After all, the town is not big and the population is not too large. It is just that Taifu can't think of it. Who can hurt such a powerful lord, so wonder if those who live in the depths of the forest Elf.

'That is... this body father? '

Luo Lin reacted. The original man whose body was stained with blood was the original father of the body. Because there was no memory related to the other side in the memory fragments, he did not react for a while, and he did not say anything intimate. I even felt a faint hostility, showing how the relationship between the two.

At this time, a strong fragrance came from the house, and the sound of Xi Weisi also sounded.

"Teve brother comes in and eats!"

Of course, the name of Luo Lin will not be mentioned in the words. It has not been so easy to change in the long-term dissatisfaction.

After entering the house, tools, saplings...seeds, mushrooms will fill the wide hall, saying that it is a flower shop, but only the row of special flowers outside the house, and Xi Weisi is sorting out the items, not watching at all. Come in two people.

The corners of the room are placed on the wooden table to prepare food for them. Several pieces of brown bread are baked, and two bowls of hot mushroom soup are exuded.

Mother Wei Ni went upstairs to rest, after all, her health was not good, and she did not support her to look at the meaning of the two.

For those who have been eating no meat and fruit for a few days, this steaming food is a good meal, so the two ate like a hungry ghost.

"What do you want to do!"

Just as Luo Lin had just finished the mushroom soup, he suddenly heard Minnie screaming outside the door.

So he did not hesitate to rush outside, and Taifu also rushed out, but the block was too big to cause the reaction to be fast enough, so the action was a little slower, and he was sorting things up and he was picking up the shovel.

After rushing out of the house, Luo Lin saw a place not far away. There were three young men who were grabbing things from Minnie, who was still on the floor and still holding the flower pot.

Seeing this scene, Luo Lin felt as if something was burning in his chest.


Tied in the waist, the fine silver scorpion was set aside. This handle is contaminated with goblin, orcs, and purgatory murderous blood. It seems to be stained with human blood today.

The body swayed forward slightly and rushed toward several people.

With Luo Lin's current swordsmanship LV4 (Basic Sword LV4) strength, even if you don't use the handle to hide in the town's long sword, the light dagger can definitely deal with several soldiers, not to mention the three seem to be a gangster.

"Don't!" There was a

flustered voice behind him, and she seemed to recognize who these guys were.

It was just that the heart was filled with anger and Luo Lin did not stop because of this voice, but still went straight.

Now he faintly regards the original family and his family as relatives, especially Minnie, who has the same face girl as his sister, and even occupies an important position in his heart. At this time, some people dare to bully her, no matter who pays the price.

A few people with bad faces certainly saw that they had rushed over to Luo Lin, so they separated and greeted them.

If there is no sword skill level upgrade, the memory appears in the mind out of thin air, Luo Lin is definitely stopped by the other side, and then slammed a poisonous hit, but LV4 swordsman brings memory, directly let him fight more than ordinary people.

It's just that the Xiweisi sound still has some influence, so the dagger in his hand is reversed with the grip as the blade, and the footsteps change, letting you slide to the side, so that you can use the attacked target as an obstacle and block another person from attacking. .


Even with the grip instead of the sharp edge, but Luo Lin was full of strength in the chest, the left side of the red nose, the body with a alcoholic guy also fell on the spot, even the screams are too late to send out Been tripped.

Just changed to the front edge, the other party is not only stumbled, but directly went to the underworld to report to the god of death.

"You guys!" When he

saw Luo Lin's move, he knocked down his companion. The other one showed his chest and exposed the above scary scars to the obese youth. The fat body fluttered like a giant bear.

In the face of such an opponent, if you want to kill the other party, Luo Lin, who has an enchanted dagger in his hand, is naturally relaxed. It is very difficult to solve the blood problem, but he does not never hurt the saints, plus Minnie. Climbing to the ground, he naturally does not care whether the other party will be injured.

Even if he is fighting with the orcs, he can calm down to Luo Lin. In the face of this kind of battle, how can he panic, so after he completely evades the other side, the right hand dagger is just a light stroke.

Human skin is too fragile compared to the orc's tough skin.


The fine silver enamel effortlessly tore open the other's abdomen, leaving a long slap in the face, the blood slowly leaching from it, Luo Lin did not want the other's life, so the wound is not deep, but the deterrent effect is definitely not weak.

After the fight, I wanted to continue to attack the obese youth and found that the abdomen was a little moist, so I rubbed it with my hand.

But suddenly found that the hands were covered with bright red blood, so the action suddenly slammed, and then I saw cold and staring at myself, Lin Lin, the face was no longer before the fierce retreat, and screamed.

"Blood..., don't kill me, save me, I don't want to die!!"

They are just ordinary gangsters, and it is normal to fight for the fight.

Even with a wound to the pub to show off, it is their favorite thing to do, can face the knife directly, the expression is so calm goals, he naturally collapsed.

Bullying and fearing hardness is simply a mixture of nature. If Luo Lin's face is panic, this fat young man will pretend to be indifferent.

However, Luo Lin's expression is calm now, and his face is completely uneasy after being hurt by a little bit. He is always ready to come back with a knife expression, and the deterrent force bursts. It's no wonder that the other party will even find out if you don't kill him. come out.


A few people, still standing next to Minnie, led a sneaky swallow, and subconsciously took a step back and said:

"Rom... Luo Lin, you are back, I... We are collecting money, don't be excited, don't forget. My father is a sheriff!".

The two were acquaintances, and the cost of recruiting mercenaries was also lent to Luo Lin.

It is precisely because I saw that the flower shop special flower has been purchased by people from the past caravans. He thought that he could make a profit by making the cultivation method, so he would go to the battlefield to build a meritorious service and become a nobleman.

I heard that the kingdom of the kingdom was defeated by the rock in the north. When Luo Lin might not come back, he felt that the opportunity came.

So first take the valuable things away as interest, and let them hand out how to cultivate special flowers in two days. If they don't hand it out today, they will have to take back the house. After all, Luo Lin borrowed money to collateral is the house.

Normally, this procedure is certainly not right, but whoever asked him to have a sheriff's father, so this mortgage contract became his reason.

But no one thought that I thought that Luo Lin had returned on the battlefield, and it was like being a person. This momentum is as terrible as those of the Lord Guards.